Day 254
Reading: Mark 14:1 - Mark 16:20
Before Jesus endured the agony of the Cross, He told the disciples of the things that would happen. One of the things He mentioned was that Peter would deny Him 3 times. In fact, when Jesus spoke to the disciples that they would be scattered because of the sifting about to take place Peter vehemently tells Jesus he wouldn't deny Him.
From the Upper Room where they celebrated and rejoiced at the feast before God, they went to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus invited the disciples to pray with Him. He knelt and travailed about what was coming. Jesus submitted to the will of God. Meanwhile, His prayer partners were sound asleep. Jesus exhorts Peter to pray because of the temptation coming and spending time in prayer would generate strength not to fail. However, after each hour of prayer that Jesus prayed, He found Peter and the others asleep. Sleep may be depriving you of the strength to prevail over temptation.
When Jesus was arrested and taken to the religious leaders Peter followed from afar and sat outside while Jesus is quizzed by the Pharisees and Saduccees who threw false accusations at Jesus in an attempt to sentence Him to death. While seating outside Peter is exposed as being one of those who followed Jesus. He denied Him. Peter denied Jesus three times and at that moment a cockerel crowed a second time reminding Peter of what Jesus had said to him that before the cockerel crows thrice he, Peter, would deny Him three times. Peter was downcast, broken because he had failed not just himself but also his Master. This left Peter shattered and broken.
When Jesus arose Mary Magdalene is advised by an angel in the tomb that Jesus has risen and that the disciples are to meet Him in Galilee as He had told them before. Mary was sent to the disciples and Peter Mark 16:7. This is one of my favourite statements in the Bible. It shows me how much God loves me. Jesus cared that Peter must have been distraught and when Mary is the sent to the disciples Peter is singled out. This is the power of forgiveness. God is more than willing to forgive us.
As I read this passage and especially those verses of how Jesus sent for Peter, a thought dawned on me. Today many believers will not have anything to do with one who disowns them when they are most in need. While in trouble we look for familiar faces to help us. Peter who had many personal encounters with Jesus and saw God's power more than the other disciples was the one who disowned Jesus. Today we have a false doctrine that is making many believers miss God. Jesus taught forgiveness whilst we believers today forgive conditionally and only whom we desire. If Jesus forgave Peter, may I ask, child of God who has let you down and you haven't forgiven? I keep hearing people say "Me I cannot have anything with that person" and am left wondering if God decided to have nothing with you where will you be. You and I are the conveyor belt of God here on earth. May I challenge you to surprise that person that let you down and reach out to them. Be the vessel of love and let someone experience the power of forgiveness because God is calling you to go meet with Him. Unforgiveness is ungodly for God is a forgiving God.
Memory Verse: Mark 16:17-18, 20
Mark 14:38
Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”(italics mine)
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