Day 246
Reading: Matthew 5:1 - Matthew 9:38
Ever wondered what exactly the Kingdom of God is about? The children of God were expecting a Messiah who would bring God's Kingdom on earth. Jesus when He began preaching declared that the Kingdom was at hand or nearby. Matthew the writer doesn't waste time revealing to us aspects of the Kingdom. As I read and meditated God stirred my heart to pray for sensitivity and willingness to learn. As human beings we have our ways that we think are the way however while reading the teachings of Jesus one thing I am sure to learn is how much I need to learn to conform to the Kingdom of God.
Kingdom Blessings
Jesus is the best preacher who ever lived. Many say His best sermon was titled the Sermon on the Mount. In this sermon, called by many The Beatitudes, Jesus declared 9 blessings. Each blessing recorded in Matthew 5:3-12 is not just a blessing that is received by faith. Jesus was declaring blessings for demonstrating qualities that would qualify you to be counted as blessed in the Kingdom. Meekness would cause one to be blessed with the earth. Humility would cause one to be given the kingdom of heaven. Being merciful would bring more mercy to yourself. Looking at the blessings pronounced it appears that God's interest is first in our being selfless and not selfish. Today the believer is inward looking and not outward looking. Each blessing required a character trait that required one to be selfless. May I urge you to look at the Beatitudes, examine your life and establish where you are failing to walk in the blessings that Jesus mentioned.
Kingdom Living
Jesus continued to instruct that the Kingdom of God had a hallmark of righteousness that exceeded the standards of men. The Pharisees and Sadducees taught in the Temple and were seen as men who walked the path of God yet Jesus saw through their facade as men whose actions didn't align with what God saw in their hearts. Jesus in teaching introduces the life of the Kingdom of God as being heart centred and not deeds. The Law was about doing works which meant that many missed on God's desire for purity in the heart. The Kingdom life would require one to search their heart. Adultery in the law was about those caught in the act however Jesus teaches that adultery occurs when one looks at another lustfully. The Kingdom life is best experienced when your heart is pure. As part of the life of the Kingdom, our actions are expected to exceed the standards of the religious folk. Kingdom life is about a relationship with God and through this relationship one enters the place of rest. God desires that understand the importance of manifesting qualities like Him. Kingdom life involves being merciful to your enemies and so Jesus teaches that we bless our enemies and when we fail we disqualify our testimony as His children.
Kingdom Power
After teaching Jesus then moves from place to place and we begin to see the display of authority and power that amazes even today. He steps in the home of Peter and his mother in law is healed. God desires that our families are healed. The wind and waves also obey Him leaving the disciples in awe. Even the followers are stunned saying that His authority exceeds that which is of the teachers of the Law of Moses. One who walks in Kingdom blessings, exhibiting the life of the Kingdom of God will revel in the power and authority that will be bestowed on Him.
Jesus came to bring humanity freedom and taught the gospel of the Kingdom. May I urge you to evaluate your life and see if you are walking by the dictates of the Kingdom? Are you forgiving? Are you merciful to all not just your own? Do your actions exceed the measure of the righteousness of the Pharisees? Does your light shine brightly? God knows that we need many things here on earth, however, He urges our priority to be seeking His Kingdom. Seeking the Kingdom in your life is the secret to unlocking the Kingdom of God.
Memory Verse: Matthew 5:13-14
Matthew 5:44-45
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. (italics mine)
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