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Letter from John the Baptist

Day 247

Reading: Matthew 10:1 - Matthew 14:36

Dear Charles,

I sat down and looked at what you are doing for the Kingdom and decided to talk to you. As you read about me in the Book of Matthew I could see your questions about me: ministry, life, well-being and the end. I had the best life growing up. Can you imagine growing up playing with my cousin Jesus as He grew up? We would constantly hear the stories of our births which constantly reminded us of our prophetic destinies. 

When the time came I began to preach. I was wholly given to God. I lived a hermits life secluded from society. My dressing really was to preach to all that God didn't use you because you wore the long expensive robes of the Pharisees or Sadducees. My food was a contradiction to everyone's diet. I just wanted to live for God and to fulfil the purpose. I was born to herald the coming of God's Son. I had the privilege of preparing the way before He came. It was my responsibility to announce Him to the world. What an awesome honour. I was humbled that God had chosen me. Charles, my parents had been waiting for a child and I think they had given up hope. However, God had His ideas. You know whenever you struggle to get something understands that God is waiting for His timing. Serve God even while waiting and God will manifest His glory.

Soon I had people coming to the desert where I was preaching. I didn't go to the cities. People came to see and hear what I had to say. I ran what you would call a desert place revival. Men and women don't leave their comfort unless God is drawing them to Him. I knew my fiery preaching was drawing many to the place of repentance. During one of those days, I had the distinct honour of baptising Jesus. From there His ministry began and soon I was hearing of how His fame was spreading abroad. 

One day I was arrested after I rebuked Herod for taking his brother's wife. Whilst in prison I became disillusioned and wondered what was happening. Why was I not being released by the Messiah? Was He the One who whose government would be without boundaries. Before long I was not just angry with my predicament but I became bitter. Soon I was offended. Many today are carrying offences. Many more are angry and bitter with what life has dealt them. God loves them. 

Many times in life when we find ourselves in some prison where we find ourselves questioning God. You question everything that you believe in when things don't work out. Understand that life is about seasons. When you know the season you will make the correct adjustments. I never adjusted to the prison. I am not saying make the prison home. I allowed my circumstances to steal my joy. Soon I was dealing with the poison of doubt that I even sent disciples to query if Jesus was the Sent One.

Charles, don't allow any change in seasons to become your tipping point that sends you to a headless burial. In the midst of change or trials maintain your joy. You can only maintain your joy in the place of having a close intimate walk with God. Don't allow the issues of life to distract you and cause you to not walk in faith. When your faith is poisoned you are shackled. Be careful that you don't become like Sarah who brought Hagar to Abraham as a solution because she thought God was taking long. 

Charles, let your faith be violent in taking the Kingdom of God. If God has said it then stop looking for what is already yours. Walk in humility and maintain your focus on God. That way even when the waves and winds blow hard you will walk on the waters of life. Don't allow any anger against God to be found in your heart. Maintain a pure heart before God. Understand that God never leaves you. May God's peace overflow in you.

Every Blessing,


Memory Verse: Matthew 13:11


Matthew 10:32-33

“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. (italics mine)


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