Day 244
Reading: Malachi 1:1 - Malachi 4:6
The Book of Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament. May I say thanks be to God for helping us get this far. I appreciate your taking the time to read this blog as we journey together through the Bible in one year.
Malachi was prophesying to the children of God at the same time as Nehemiah was rebuilding Jerusalem. Malachi deals with the corruption that is evident in the nation. The priests have become wicked and have no fear of God. The people have violated the law and as Nehemiah and Ezra, both found the priests had married outside of the remit as per the Law of Moses. The priests had married foreigners and the tithe was no longer revered. The priests seem to be living under a false sense of security because they were priests. This false sense of security empowered a deception to take hold of their souls. Reading the Book of Malachi and hearing the many questions God's children have against giving in a church; we also seem to have redefined righteousness; believers don't regard God in marriage all leading to just marvel and conclude like Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun.
In the midst of Malachi prophesying, he declares that there is a suddenly coming to the timing of the people. He declares that suddenly God would enter the Temple. Reading this I asked a few questions. The Temple already had the Ark of the Covenant where God was, how come Malachi was declaring that God would suddenly enter the Temple? Is it that God wasn't in the Temple even though the articles that signified He was there were there? Could it be that even though humanity thought God was in the Temple He wasn't? Did they realise that God was not with them? How many believers today realise God is not with them because of their unbelief and lives?
Malachi declared that the people would encounter a sudden moment where God would refine them and also lauder them. God reveals to Malachi that He will suddenly come to His House to clean shop. God is coming to clean His House. This day and age we are living in is one where God is cleansing His people. This is a time of deep-seated repentance to seek Him. It's time where we are being refined that we may be pure before Him. God desires that His people be spotless and clean. The fire of God will refine His people that they be purer than silver. When gold and silver are being purified the metal is heated until every impurity drops off. The heat you are facing is to ensure every impurity drops off. Malachi also reveals another side of God that we shall see in this suddenly moment that is hitting the believers. We shall see God wash us clean. We are being washed clean for we have become the mockery of the world. God in washing and refining us is preparing us that we show forth His glory.
Memory Verse: Malachi 3:10-12
Malachi 4:2
But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. (italics mine)
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