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I Am Willing

Day 248

Reading: Matthew 14:1 - Matthew 20:34

Followers of Christ are to model their lives like that of Jesus. We have a responsibility to not live life aimlessly but with the understanding that when we say we are followers people want to see if we exhibit the characteristics of the person we follow. Jesus while walking here on earth displayed the qualities that God desired we exemplify. One such trait that Jesus displayed was that He is generous. At the root of His life here was a generosity that defied logic. And those who came across Him also were struck by His generosity and sought to partake of it. You may wonder why I say Jesus was generous and this quality drove His ministry. Time and again we read of the compassion of Jesus. This compassion made Him generous to meet the needs of many. Let me share a few examples. 

A leper cried to Jesus asking for healing. The response from Jesus was 'I am willing'. As I read the Book of Matthew I find that this was what marked every miracle. It was Jesus showcasing the willingness of God to meet our needs. Jesus came to destroy the lie of the devil that you have to earn a miracle. Another example of Jesus' magnanimity is when He encountered a woman who cried for her daughter's healing. The woman was a gentile and Jesus told her that He couldn't attend to the daughter however her response immediately sparked the healing of her daughter. A centurion had a servant who was bedridden and when he asked Jesus to heal the servant, Jesus didn't look at the Roman soldier as an enemy. Instead, Jesus saw the faith of the soldier and spoke a word of healing over the servant. In the parable of the landowner, Jesus shows that God is willing to pay everyone as promised not according to the weighting of the world. 

How do I unlock the willingness of God to deal with my situation?
  • Faith. Constantly we see Jesus highlight this. Twice Jesus speaks of great faith. The centurion had understood that all Jesus needed to do was say the word and his servant would be healed. The woman whose daughter was possessed gave a reply that unlocked what was not for her time. Understanding the ways of God will unlock faith.
  • Worship. The blind men worshipped and even when told to keep quiet they still worshipped and cried out to Jesus. Worship will unlock heaven. The Bible says that Jesus stopped. Imagine this, there is a crowd following Jesus, the blind men are sat down along the path, Jesus is in the midst of the crowd and suddenly stops moving and calls them. Worship will bring you to the place where God asks what do you want? 
  • A Surrendered life. Jesus meets a young man who desired to know God however when told to sell everything he had he went away sad because he owned a lot. Live life knowing that God gives to us things to be stewards not to be owned by them. God wants to bless us however He doesn't want us to be owned by His blessings. For many God's blessings are the snare to their experiencing more of Him. For many, they have arrived now that they drive and live where they desired. That is the deception that has trapped many in stagnation. Abraham was not scared of sacrificing his son Isaac. Until you come to that place where you are willing to give everything you won't experience certain dimensions of God's grace. God made a covenant with Abraham, are you willing to see God meet you?
  • Prayer and Fasting. Prayer invokes divinity on humanity. God is waiting for you to call on Him. Somethings just can't move until you fall on your knees and push aside the plate.
May you encounter the generosity of God founded on His compassion for your well being. God will take the little you and multiply it when given to Him. 

Memory Verse: Matthew 18:19-20


Matthew 18:33
Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?’ (italics mine)


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