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Your Identity and Temptation

Day 245

Reading: Matthew 1:1 - Matthew 4:25

A new beginning is here. A new day; the new season is upon us. As we begin this part of this journey may I encourage you to know that your heart will be refreshed as we study the Word. May hope come alive in you. The Book of Matthew was written primarily to the Jews who were expecting a Messiah. The Old Testament contained promises of a Messiah who would save the people from their enemies and set a Kingdom that would be without end. Matthew in writing this gospel sought to show the reader how some of those prophecies aligned with Jesus. 

As I read the portion of scripture today a thought struck my mind about Jesus, the temptations and the tempter. Satan wasn't tempting Jesus just using His needs but the enemy was using the same tactic he used in Eden. The devil doesn't have new tricks. In the Garden of Eden, he made Eve to question the Word and thereby her identity. When she conversed with the serpent the question of "Did God say you shall not eat of this tree Genesis 3:1" was a question that introduced doubt. Satan then painted an image that moved Eve from the image God had given her to his. Temptation moves you from seeing according to God's view to a satanic view. The enemy knows for his temptation to succeed you must lose consciousness of your identity. Once you are insecure in who you are then the enemy will move you to his view.

The first temptation Jesus faced was about his hunger. He had fasted and prayed for forty days. The enemy knew that Jesus was hungry and who wouldn't be hungry after that kind of a fast. The enemy addressed Jesus from the place of identity by questioning His authority and submission. The enemy will always tempt you with an if you are the Son of God question to get you to use your position to get what you desire. You see Jesus knew who He was, however, He understood that He had become man for a reason and couldn't abuse His identity. Jesus understood that He was bound by the rules of this earth and couldn't just do anything He wanted. 

The next temptation Jesus faced was a test about selfishness. Many today are dealing with this temptation and we find ourselves failing many times. We rise to great heights and then seek God to send angels to help us. Listen child of God this temptation was about self-control. Will you allow the enemy to take you up or will you allow God to take you. Do you know why Jesus answered as He did? Because He understood that where God takes Him angels will take charge of Him, however, where the enemy takes a person please don't count on angelic ministry. Angels perform the Word of God Psalms 103:20. You cannot expect God to show up when you followed the enemy to climb a ladder that may be His but it wasn't His intention for you. Let God lift you and you will have His resources at your disposal.

Lastly, the enemy offers the world, the kingdoms of this world. The enemy knew that he got this by deceiving Adam and Eve, however, he offered it to Jesus if satan was worshipped. The temptation is about your worship. When you fall for temptation at the root of the problem is your worship. When your worship is not towards God then you are distracted and will easily fall for the things of this world. Satan offered the world to Jesus but Jesus knew that God owned the world and not satan. Child of God learn to live a life of worship. Sing to God alone for the song of the enemy will result in failure. 

Jesus didn't answer the enemy with quotes or intellectualism. He fed the tempter with the Word of God. Notice that the enemy perverted the Word. Many people use the Word for selfish gain which follows the example of the enemy. Ever meet people who use lines of scripture to approve their thinking? That's satanic because he would quote a line of Scripture but not the whole counsel of God picking what he wanted for his use. Be careful that you don't use the Bible to send yourself to hell. Use the whole counsel of the Word for your growth. 

Memory Verse: Matthew 4:4


Matthew 4:19
Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (italics mine)


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