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The Power of Words

Day 250

Reading: Matthew 25:1 - Matthew 28:20

Words are powerful. Ever been to a court of law? When the judge gives a ruling its given in verbatim and written format. When one is marrying vows consisting of words are made. Sign language is an expression of words using signs to convey the words being spoken. Science tells us that women speak more words than men.  Solomon declared that one is satisfied by the fruit of their mouth Proverbs 18:20.  Jesus understood the power of words. He understood that words have an impact. Words are what either make you or condemn you. Jesus declared that by your words you will be justified or condemned Matthew 12:37

Thrice Jesus declared the process of His death and resurrection. I find it interesting that Matthew in writing this gospel noted this. Matthew wanted to convey to us the importance and power of words. He desired that we understood the power of words in shaping our lives. Here was the Messiah provoking the disciples with an outrageous thought that Jesus whom they were following would be taken away from them, mistreated, beaten, die and then rise from the grave. Everything Jesus was saying was not just unheard off but also out of this world. Even though He gave them hope by declaring that He would rise they couldn't perceive it. Jesus was declaring that He would do something different that would alter their lives forever. No one had ever said he would die and rise again. Here was the Miracle Worker telling them something completely out of this world. Peter even rebuked Jesus for this yet Jesus knew the plan of God.

As I came to a close of the Book of Matthew I asked myself what is the power of words? How do I manifest power in my words? If I am a child of God then my words should have a similar effect to that of Jesus. He came to fulfil the Law and provide a divine life for you and me. A few thoughts that came to me as I thought more on the power of words.
  • Speak God's mind. Unless you know God's Word your words will not be anywhere near that which is of God. Study the Word to know the Word to speak. Life is an exam and the answer you give shows what or whom you have studied. Isaiah 53 was a prophetic indicator of some of the things Jesus would pass through. God desires to restore to you and me His pure language Zephaniah 3:9.
  • Understand the power of meditation. Joshua was instructed to study, to do and to meditate on the Word of God if success was his desire. Meditation in the Word has a similar effect to how we soak clothes that are soiled badly. Let the abundance of your heart be the Word and you will speak with heaven's backing.
  • Prayer. Jesus came from the place of prayer always. He chose the disciples after prayer not a team meeting to discuss the way forward. Jesus walked on water after prayer. Remember He spoke to Peter commanding Peter to come to him and thus walk on water. Prayer generates authority.
  • Speak in faith. No one had ever said they would die and rise again. Jesus said it and it came to pass. Jesus died, was buried in a tomb and rose on the 3rd day. Speaking in the faith gives on boldness to declare the Word. 
  • Fear not! Unless you can see what you are saying coming to pass fear will stop you from saying the promises that God has released over your life. Divine biblical insight gives one the strength to speak with foresight. Insight gives you the spectacles to wear to see as God sees generating faith causing fear to flee! 
For years I struggled with a medical condition. I went for prayer at every healing crusade I could get to. One day in desperation I asked God what I needed to do to overcome this barrier. My life was in a cell called the sickly and diseased for life. I had to break out. As I meditated on the Word I began to speak my healing. I refused to see myself by the condition as prescribed by the doctor. I described myself by the Word of God. My family knew only God could come through for me. Some battles in life you must be left alone to wrestle your blessing like Jacob was left alone Genesis 32:24.  Anyone who referred me by that condition I cut off.  I stopped taking the medication when it dawned on me that I cannot have what Jesus had taken. Did I have the condition a few times after that? Oh yes, I did; guess the devil was trying to shake my faith, however, today its nowhere near me. As I read about the resurrection of Jesus I was reminded to keep speaking the Word, it will come to pass. Death and life are in the power of your words Proverbs 18:21. Understand that you are either speaking life or death. I choose to speak life for God is a life-giver! Words created the world, speak the right words to create the world you desire. Look for scriptures that align with your current challenges and declare the victory of God. Learn to contend for your life by speaking the Word of life. 

Memory Verse: Matthew 28:2


Matthew 28:19-20
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (italics mine)


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