Day 262
Reading: John 1:1 - John 3:36
God has a great plan for you and me. Your circumstances may not appear so, however, let me assure you that God is still on the throne and has not given up. The days we are living in are dark days with sin abounding more than ever. We find today many are challenging the accepted biblical views that have characterised behaviour for generations. As I write this blog, on the news today I heard of a gentleman whose gone to court to request that his date of birth be changed by 20 years. This world is changing!
The Book of John begins in a manner very similar to Genesis. John declares that the Word was in the beginning and makes it clear that there can be no beginning without the Word of God. Any beginning you desire must begin with the Word. When the Word speaks the heavens and the earth move to accomplish the spoken Word. John reveals that the Word of God became flesh. May I encourage you to know that even today God desires that you see the Word of God manifested in the flesh.
John introduces us to the first miracle that Jesus did: the wedding at Cana. Here Jesus performs a miracle by having water turn into wine. The Word obeyed will yield great results. Jesus while attending a wedding is advised that the wine for the guests had run out. His mother instructs the workers to do whatever Jesus says. Jesus tells them to fill the 6 waterpots. God made man on the 6th day. Waterpots were made from clay same as man. This first miracle was about Jesus telling man that from now out of him would flow that which brings joy. Obedience to the Word will cause people to receive wine from your life. Fill yourself with the Word of God and you will see those around you drink of the wine of God from you.
The wine at the wedding was found to be superior to that which was manmade. God will give to you that which is superior to man. Culture dictated that the best wine was served first. I have news for someone that your days are about to turn for the best ever. No longer will you think that the best days are gone but you will be served the best from now. God desires you understand that He is able to take water and turn it to be the best wine ever in your life. Your celebration is about to begin. What you have can be used by God. Jesus turned water to expensive wine. He will turn your life into the best that people will ask questions how can it be.
Yield to God and watch Him turn your life around.
Memory Verse: John 1:51
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (italics mine)
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