Day 268
Reading: John 16:1 - John 17:26
Your sorrow will be turned into joy! John while writing his gospel only recounts 7 miracles that Jesus did. John reveals to us the most of the instructions and teachings that Jesus gave after the Last Supper. As I have read the gospels I have become more convinced that Jesus came to turn sorrow into joy. Each encounter with Jesus was one where He changed lives. Jesus told the disciples that He would be sending the Holy Spirit to help, guide, teach, and comfort them. As I read today's passage I began to meditate on the miracles of Jesus. I pray the Holy Spirit will breathe on each miracle and bring joy into your life as you read.
- Jesus turning the water into wine John 2:1-11. In life, we find ourselves at junctions where everything has run out. Jesus demonstrated that He was bringing a new taste to life and that the latter would be greater than the former. Jesus has the answers to man's disappointments.
- The healing of a sick son John 4:46-54 shows us how Jesus is willing to respond to our needs. Faith is all that is required to see the miraculous. Jesus only spoke the Word and the situation was settled. Receive the words of Jesus and your life will be settled.
- Healing the man by the pool John 5: 1-9. This man didn't call for Jesus. Jesus walked up to him and he received his miracle. Don't give excuses as to why you cannot do the things that God has ordained for you. God is calling you to rise up and walk. Whatever has plagued you for generations will not hinder you're going forward.
- Jesus feeds 5000 men John 6:4-13. This miracle occurs in all four gospels. Jesus desires to feed us. Jesus is the Bread of Life. To feed this multitude Jesus used very few resources, five loaves and 2 fish. The miracle was a result of thanksgiving for what was available. Nothing is too hard for God.
- Jesus walks on water John 6:16-21. Whatever may be over your head is under the feet of Jesus. Jesus came walking on water in a storm. Jesus desires that we walk on the stormy waters of life. Many are sinking because they are not focussed on Him alone. Gazing at the storm will leave you sinking.
- Healing the blind man John 9:1-12. Jesus desires that we see properly. Man lost spiritual sight as a result of sin. Jesus came to restore that which was lost. God desires that we see spiritually in all things happening around us. God desires that our spiritual antennas be restored that we perceive spiritually.
- Jesus raises the dead John 11:1-44. Jesus desires that we know that He has authority even over death. What has been laid in the grave or tomb can rise again. It doesn't matter what is stinking in your life Jesus can bring it to life.
In all the miracles we need to remember that the beginning of the gospel of John he made a powerful declaration where He equated Jesus to the Word. In each miracle, the Word of God spoke and brought about change resulting in sorrow becoming joy. I pray that God's Word in your life will turn every sorrow into joy.
Memory Verse: John 16:33
John 16:24
Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. (italics mine)
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