Day 265
Reading: John 8:1 - John 9:41
Jesus faced a legal exam. We all face exams in life. Exams are not fun unless its a simple walkthrough with no consequences. I remember sitting for my end of primary school exams and the nightmare of being the first students to sit for an exam no one else had sat for. Yes, students had sat for Maths exams but we now had a language exam and I was never a fan of languages. Exams require one to know what the answer is. As I grew up I discovered different kind of exams though at the root of every exam is that it seeks to find out if you the examinee are knowledgeable in that area.
One of the most difficult exams is what is called an open book exam. This is the kind of exam where you are allowed to check the books and in some cases even the internet to discover answers to the problem at hand. Now I discovered that this kind of exam is the hardest exam because the question is never straightforward.
The legal exam Jesus faced was open book. An adulterous woman was brought to Him and the Law was brought also. Amazing how the men caught the woman but not the man in the act. In today's world, one has to wonder how was the other person let off the hook. Who did they know that they were not questioned? When Jesus was told of the sin committed He wrote on the ground. Any back to the sceneraio with Jesus where He uttered the words that spared the woman's life and made every accuser ashamed. 'Anyone who has not sinned be the first to cast your stone', Jesus said. Before you point out the sins of others remember that you also are a sinner.
Jesus knew the law however His emphasis was knowing the truth. He also understood that many didn't understand the power of knowing the truth. Many today know the law but may not have knowledge of the truth within God. Grace is never experienced by knowing the law but by the revelation of truth. Thus we find after this encounter Jesus declares the power of knowing the truth will manufacture or make you free. Jesus knew the Law required death for this lady but He also knew a truth that was even more powerful. The truth He exercised was forgiveness. Understanding the power of being forgiving made Jesus point out that we all are sinners who deserve to be stoned to death.
Inside truth is the power to be free. Truth contains with it a dynamite that when it's set off explodes into the liberty desired by the hearer. Knowing truth is not about head knowledge. For truth to have its dynamic ability it must settle in the heart. Many today have head knowledge and that is not the knowing that Jesus mentioned. The knowing that is mentioned is one of an intimate knowledge. It is the knowing that produces fruit. God desires that we know truth intimately not cerebrally only. When a truth is known it empowers one to walk the path of freedom. Make the choice to KNOW God's truth and you will see God MAKE you free.
Jesus is The Truth only He can make you free.
Memory Verse: John 8:32
John 8:36
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (italics mine)
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