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Where is your faith?

Day 257

Reading: Luke 8: 1 - Luke 11:54

We are living in days that are perplexing and yet monumental. Many today are perplexed by the complexities of the world today. Food is so much more expensive all over the world and if food is expensive how much more other necessities of life. At the same time, the world is seeing new inventions and innovation that are changing the landscape. Certain jobs will soon disappear, for example, in the Amazon supermarket, there are no cashiers and even packers. You can't operate today with yesterday's mindset. In the midst of all the challenges, we are facing a faith fight. Our faith is being tested severely. 

Everyone has to face storms and no one is exempt. Even Jesus dealt with life storms, for example, He faced no food for a party of 5000 men and uncounted women and children; no place to stay when He was born; He had to flee and lived His first 7 years in a foreign land, and faced stormy weather many times. Yet in the midst of the different storms, Jesus rose above them and came out on top. Through each miracle we see Jesus doing we see faith in play. When the blind wanted to see Jesus said it was their faith that made them whole. Faith is the key to seeing the impossible happen. We are living in times where many feel that they are being shaken like salt in a salt-shaker. 

The disciples were with Jesus for a period of time. During this time they kept hearing His words and must have heard Him speak about faith. Yet when the storm arose they woke Him up asking a very carnal statement. Don't you care that we are perishing the disciples said to Jesus.  The storm made them forget who they were with. Faith enables one to see possibilities in impossible situations. Jesus asked the disciples where was their faith for a number of reasons. 

  • Faith gives vision. When faced with trouble or a challenge do you see God making a way or do you forget God is there with you? The disciples thought the storm would overwhelm them yet they had the Master in their boat.  God may be silent right now however it doesn't mean God is asleep or has disowned you. He neither slumbers nor sleeps is what the psalmist delcared.
  • The disciples could see that the storm was opposing their progress. That storm that is hindering your movement is seeking to block your breakthrough. When they got to the other side a man who was residing in caves came out and met them. This man was possessed by demons and was a terror to the region that when the people saw the demoniac delivered they begged Jesus to leave. That man ended up preaching to that region that when Jesus returned to the Decapolis region He was well received. 
  • Without faith, storms will stop you. Faith is required to stop the enemy. Faith reminds God that nothing is too hard for Him. Faith in God shows Him where your trust is. The disciples couldn't see themselves as able to speak to the storm. Even worse they couldnt see the possibility that since Jesus was in the boat with them as the storm blew over them they would be safe. 
  • Faith gives one peace. Faith creates a calmness that envelops one in the storm. When you are full of faith you are calm as the Master is the Burden Bearer who removes the strain of the challenge. 
Child of God check your faith. Is your faith in the capacity of God to deliver you or have decided that man has your solution? The most important thing that we need today is a tank full of faith. If you believe you will see the impossible as a reality and not a mirage. Don't lose sight of your faith in this hour as the earth and heavens are shaken.

Memory Verse: Luke 11:13


Luke 10:19
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (italics mine)


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