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Come Forth

Day 266

Reading: John 10:1 - John 12:50

While growing up my brother and I enjoyed going to visit my grandparents. One of my grandparents kept sheep. My brother and I loved running towards the sheep and playing with the fur. Sheep are obedient animals. My grandfather also kept goats. The goats would be a nuisance going to the tea plantation while the sheep maintained course. Many times Jesus while speaking refers to believers who follow Him as sheep. In Matthew 25 Jesus when speaking of the last days mentioned that there are sheep and goat nations which will be separated. A day is coming where the Shepherd will separate the sheep from the goats. Jesus introduced Himself as the Good Shepherd who cares for His sheep. 

Lazarus was a friend of Jesus who definitely understood and saw Jesus as the Good Shepherd. His sisters had entertained Jesus, the Good Shepherd many a time. When Lazarus fell ill the sisters notified Jesus expecting Him to come over and heal His friend. Jesus didn't set off towards Lazarus immediately. The Bible says that he stayed another two days however He declared that this situation was not unto death but to the glory of God. 

Jesus arrived and found that Lazarus had been dead 4 days. I used to wonder why 4 days? I discovered that in the olden days in the Jewish culture they believed that a person's soul would hover around them for 3 days. They were really said to be dead after 4 days. If Jesus had arrived before 4 days and then Lazarus arose they would have doubted the miracle that was about to occur. 

When Jesus meets Martha as He approached the town where they reside He asks Martha whether she believed her brother would rise again. Her response is similar to many believers today. It revealed that her faith was simply mental assent and not faith that moves God. She declared that she knew Lazarus would rise on the resurrection day. Even though Jesus told her that He was the Resurrection and the Life Martha couldn't receive the revelation that the Miracle Worker standing in front of her could bring Lazarus to life now not a later date. Don't be like Martha who saw the possibility in the future, not the present. God desires to manifest your miracle in the present and not the future.

When Mary meets Jesus her conversation is one of groaning and illogical to the intellectual one. Sometimes in life, God is not moved by logic but by groanings of intercession. Martha didn't make Jesus cry. Mary's tears soon moved Jesus that He wept. From the place of intercession, Jesus asks they remove the stone. Before any dead thing arises in your life learn to remove every stone that may block your coming out of the tomb.  Unforgiveness is the biggest stone that is hindering many from the miracle of a resurrection. Let it go and watch as Jesus calls you forth to life.

Jesus soon called Lazarus out of the grave. Every dead thing will respond to the Word of God. Jeremiah cried for the earth to hear the Word of God Jeremiah 22:29. Learn to speak the Word of God over everything. Decree it, declare it, command it, call those dead things into life. Remember what Solomon said, death and life are in the tongue Proverbs 18:21. As Lazarus comes out of the tomb, Jesus commands that they untie him. Learn to allow people to minister to you to help untie you from the bondage of death. 

I don't know what you are dealing with that may be in a tomb right now. Learn to speak the Word of God over it. Get ready to see it come out of the tomb. Those who are watching you will marvel that you are alive. The Good Shepherd is calling His sheep to live again. 

Memory Verse: John 11:40


John 12:46
I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. (italics mine)


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