Day 269
Reading: John 18:1 - John 21:25
God sent His Son on a mission. From the Garden of Eden God had announced His plan for man's redemption. In Egypt, the children of Israel had enacted the Passover meal which led to their freedom. Jesus in dying on the Cross became our Passover. In the law of Moses, the Passover was prescribed as one of the most important feasts during which the children of Israel remembered the Lord's deliverance when the angel of death passed over the houses of the children of Israel.
Matthew in His gospel pointed out that the prophecy of Isaiah that the Messiah would take on our sins, sicknesses, guilt and punishment Matthew 8:17. Jesus become our Passover and thus He is the Lamb of God slain for you and I. Sickness has no right over you. Jesus took it all. I love what one bishop says, ‘I shouldn’t take back what Jesus has already taken away from me.’ When this reality dawned on me, I said goodbye to sickness. Earlier this year I kept fighting colds and coughs. Medicine was frustrating me then I remembered Jesus already took this away. I began to confess that it is finished I cannot be sick any longer and soon the sneezing, blocked nostrils was gone. God is interested in our every minute detail.
When Jesus announced that ‘It is finished’ on the cross, he understood that the pain He was undergoing was for the salvation of mankind. Thus, John in His gospel declares that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son John 3:16.
Think about those words ‘It is finished!’ Jesus in declaring is saying that the fall of man is over. Matthew records that before Jesus died there was darkness over the earth. God couldn’t look at His Son covered in sin. As sin was laid on Jesus darkness covered Him. The enemy may have thought that it was over however when Jesus cried “It is finished!” the enemy must have shivered.
Words are powerful. Here was Jesus on the Cross dying yet He had announced that He would rise. Learn to speak words that bring life into your future. Dead things can’t speak. If you are alive understand that you have the power to speak life. Jesus told His disciples that He would rise. When He declared that it is finished the enemy didn’t realise that indeed his reign was over and that God had created a way for man to return to Him.
Lastly, when Jesus cried out and said “It is finished!” the Law of Moses was finished and a new covenant began. Matthew records that when Jesus died the veil in the temple that separated the holy place and the Holy of Holies was torn from the top to the bottom. I can imagine an angel tearing the old covenant away as the new began. Religion was over, Jesus came to introduce relationship. God desires that we walk with Him.
Memory Verse: John 19:30b
John 20:21
So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” (italics mine)
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