Day 267
Reading: John 13:1 - John 15:27
The gospels record very many different sayings of Jesus. From the parables to truth declarations He made, Jesus introduces the Kingdom of God in a very personal way. He not only teaches us about the Kingdom but also exemplified life in the Kingdom. The gospel of John records 7 miracles of Jesus and 7 times where Jesus said I am. Today I just want to focus on the 7 I am statements.
- I am the Bread of Life John 6:35. Jesus had fed 5000 men and the crowd went looking for Him the following day. Remember that the children of Israel in walking from Egypt to Canaan were fed with manna. Jesus in declaring that He is the Bread of Life was announcing that we should hunger for Him more than manna or the miraculous supply that they had encountered the day before.
- I am the Light of this world John 8:12. We live in dark times where many are turning to anything in seeking for direction. Jesus announced that He is the Light of the world. In every area of darkness ask Jesus to shine His light.
- I am the Door John 10:9. Life is about accessing doors. Access to the supernatural life is only through Jesus. Doors will open in life when you connect to the One who is the Door. You can only enter the dimension of living the life of the Kingdom of God through the Door that is Jesus.
- I am the Good Shepherd John 10:11. David declared that the Lord is His Shepherd who makes him lie down in green pastures. By declaring that He was the Good Shepherd Jesus lets us know that He is willing to sacrifice Himself for us and also lead us to the best places. No matter where you are in life
- I am the Resurrection and the Life John 11:25. Lazarus had been dead for 4 days and Jesus raised him. Nothing is impossible where faith in God is held. Whatever in your life has been dead understand that Jesus is capable of resurrecting the promise of God in you.
- I am the Way, Truth and the Life John 14:6. The only way in life is Jesus; the only truth that holds the universe is Jesus and He also is life. The life you desire that is fulfilling is only found in Jesus. The purpose of life is found in Jesus alone not in things or material things.
- I am the True Vine John 15:1. Jesus declares that we are the branches and out of our connectivity to Him should see His wine flow in us. Fruitfulness is not possible apart of Him. We can only be fruitful when we are connected to the True Vine.
These seven statements are keys to the life of the Kingdom of God. Meditate on them and see God manifest His power through them.
Memory Verse: John 14:12
John 15:5
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (italics mine)
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