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Stewards of God's Resources

Day 261

Reading: Luke 21:1 - Luke 24:53

We live a world today full of disparity. The biggest divide we have is between the rich and the poor. Jesus while on earth tackled the issue of wealth many times. Do you know Jesus spoke more about wealth than anything else while here on earth? I know money is a touchy issue, however, we need to deal with it. Jesus observed as people gave offerings in the Temple. Child of God why wouldn't He be watching today? If anything the statement Jesus made about the woman who gave her all reveals what God is looking at in our giving. 

A young man approached Jesus asking what he needed to do to obtain eternal life. Jesus replied to the young man and advised that He needed to obey the commandments. The young man replied that He did obey them and at this point asked what more should he do. The young man was obviously hungry for God why else would he be so obedient. Jesus then replies that the young man should sell his belongings and follow Him. The young man went away sorrowfully because he was wealthy. At this point, Jesus made a declaration that it is hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom. Is it that God doesn't want the rich? Should we be poor to access eternal life? 

God wants the best for us. The disciples were shocked by the response Jesus gave to the young man walking away. Remember Peter owned a boat that Jesus used. One of the disciples was a tax collector prior. The disciples were not broke people. The disciples then asked how can anyone be saved? Jesus then spoke and said that what is impossible with men is possible with God, implying that whereas men may not see possibilities for certain scenarios in life with God all things are possible. 

What is it that God requires of us? God requires that we understand that we are not to be owned by the things of this world. The young man couldn't give away his belongings implying that his heart was not fully given to God. God desires we be wealthy however He needs us to understand that we cannot be possessed by our possessions. 

The woman who gave two mites was preferred by Jesus because in her giving she showed God her reliance was wholly on Him. The rich gave from their overflow yet the woman whom Jesus applauded gave sacrificially because she understood an important principle. 

As I have read the Books of Matthew, Mark and Luke I am convinced that God desires we understand that we are stewards, not owners. You will give generously because you are only a caretaker, not the owner. A miser is one who doesn't understand that they are stewards of God's resources here on earth. A servant knows that the Master has ownership rights of everything. If we look at our wealth from the place of a servant giving to God and others giving will be easy. Many today who once were great givers have moved from poor to rich but have allowed wealth to own them. Check your heart and see if you are able to give away your all to God and follow Him to see if you are possessed by your possessions or not. 

God is moving wealth to those who understand that they are to be pipes or conduits of wealth, not hoarders. I saw a lady refuse to bless a family. My heart was grieved because she didn't understand that she had just closed the heavens over life. Her business was soon not producing and the more I thought about it the more it became clear that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just Proverbs 13:22.  This lady didn't understand that God and misers don't mix. A miser is self-indulgent behaving in a deceived manner that they are generous yet they are only generous to what is for them not others. When you give to attract attention from men then you are a con. The religious folk in Jesus' day loved the best seats just like misers want the best for themselves, not the well being of others. 

God desires that you walk in wealth, however, He doesn't want wealth to hold you from following Him. Remember Solomon became wealthy and ended up backsliding. Don't be like the rich man who desired to increase his barns yet a poor person was outside. When God requires of your soul will He find you ready for Him or possessed by your possessions? When you say I surrender all to You, Lord surrender your wealth too. 

Memory Verse: Luke 24:45


Luke 21:15
for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist. (italics mine)


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