Day 264
Reading: John 6: 1 - John 7:53
The Word is able to reveal to us our failings and weaknesses. The Word also reveals our hope and the promises we have in God. I don't read the Word because I'm bored or have nothing. I prioritise to read the Word daily because it is Life. I need the Word of God in every arena of my life. Whilst reading through the gospels I have been struck by how much the people sought for Jesus.
One particular occasion the people sought for Jesus after the miracle where He supernaturally fed 5000 men. When they found him after going to great lengths to look for Him they were rebuked. I was a startled because these people really looked for Jesus. he wasn't where they were fed or nearby. He was across the seas. They got on boats and crossed to where He was. That showed initiative and drive to be near Jesus. They were determined to be near Him yet they didn't receive a welcome but a rebuke.
As I meditated on this I began to ask myself why am I seeking for God. Is it because of the things He does for me or because I love Him? Do I hunger for God or the hand of God? Too many of us today in our prayers want God because we desire to see our needs met. Yes God does want to meet our needs however our motive for seeking Him should never be about our needs. The people had been fed with bread and instead of seeking for Jesus to meet deeper needs they wanted Him only for material things.
Child of God, check your heart. Ask yourself why do you pray? Why do you suppose to love God? Does God know you as His lover or just another parasite? A leech only hangs on for the blood it draws. God has greater than your material supply. Don't reduce Him to earthly things. There is more, greater and deeper that God desires to reveal to you. God desires we hunger for that which is heavenly over and above that which is earthly. When our hearts are heaven bound and focussed earthly matters are handouts. Jesus was never in need. God wants us to understand that we are to operate like Jesus. He only did what He saw His Father doing. God is calling us to Himself.
Memory Verse: John 6:28-29
John 7:24
Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” (italics mine)
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