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Live Thankfully; Leave Complaining

Day 42

Reading: Num. 9:1- Num. 11:35

Learn to walk in divine authority. Moses spoke to men who were troubled that they wouldn't be able to take part in the Passover. The men seemed agitated. Moses gave an instruction 'Stand Still', i.e. stop all you are doing and wait for an answer from God. Develop an intimacy with God that when you speak it is authoritatively the mind and heart of God regarding any matter. The response of God to Moses and by extension the children of Israel shows that God never wants us to miss on having the blessings He has ordained. Whatever the reason that may have hindered your not receiving at the appointed time would not mean that you cannot partake of the feast of the Lord the following month. 

Twice we read that the entire camp only moved when the Pillar of Cloud of glory that rested above the Tabernacle moved. This is consistently mentioned from Exodus that they moved only when the Pillar of Cloud moved. Charles, learn to move only when on the promptings of the Spirit.

As the population grew getting everybody to move would require a different clarion call. God instructed Moses to set up two silver trumpets. The trumpets would be blown to signify when it was time to move, or when the leaders were being summoned-only one trumpet was blown; when God summoned the entire people both trumpets were blown. The trumpets were blown during the feast days, at the beginning of the month and also during war. Learn to blow the trumpet of God over your life. The trumpets not only signified movement but were a call to God to remember the covenant He had to fight for His people.

Whenever the people moved, immediately behind the tribe of Judah were the two sections of the priests- the families of Gershon and Merari. They were followed by the tribe of Reuben and Simeon. Immediately following them were the Kohanites who carried the holy things of the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was set up by the time the people arrived. Judah means praise. Leading the Tabernacle were warriors of a  tribe called Praise. Learn to go to church with a praise in front of you. The rest of the tribes followed the Kohanites in order. 

Complainers never please God. They displease God. God loves thanksgiving and hates complaints. Learn to stay far from complaints and complainers. God isn't found in the midst of complainers. Complaining reduces your access to God. Complaining makes God move away from you removing your shield of His protection. Complaining brings judgement whereas thanksgiving brings mercy! Lord have mercy on me wherever your fire is burning me in judgement because I complained. 

Be careful who you mix with. They may introduce cravings that cause you to tempt God in your complaining. The Bible records that the mixed multitude yielded to intense cravings. Charles, kill those cravings of the past life. 

As a leader be careful that complaints of people don't cause you to lose your cool. Moses who had interceded for the people when they sinned now was questioning God why he was leading such a flock. Moses cried to God asking God to deliver him from the afflictions of the people's wants and needs. He recognised that he could bring meat to feed the people and satisfy their desire and only God could cause a miracle to occur. 

God's solution to a tired Moses was an impartation service. Learn as a leader to delegate. Charles, you cant do everything for everyone. It will lead to burn out. Impart the Spirit of God on leaders who can carry the burden with you not against you. During the divine encounter, two people were not present having gone back to the camp. However, God still imparted His Spirit on them and a sign that they had received of God was that they prophesied. Leader prophesy to the people. Lord, impart your grace on every person You have ordained to serve you today wherever they are.  

Many today are like Joshua. Joshua on hearing that two elders were prophesying in the camp became religious. Don't criticise a new move of God. You can't place God in a box on how He should move or do things. He wanted them to keep quiet. Moses, however, desired that God would actually impart His Spirit on all humanity. Lord, pour Your Spirit on all mankind.

Complaining about lack will result in an answer that may at first bring joy but will in a period of time tire you out. Complaining about the resources that God has given you, for now, may result in the kind of breakthrough that will result in trouble. Thanksgiving leads to wellness and wholeness. God brought an answer and the people again forgot to thank God leading them to encounter the wrath of God.

Moses was so affected by the people's complaints that he couldn't see how God could cause the people to eat meat for 1  month. Lord, forgive me for allowing anger to stifle my faith in you. No matter the situation you are facing, don't question if the arm of the Lord is able. Always maintain your faith in place to know and to see God doing wonders. Don't limit God.  

Memory Verse: Num. 11:23


“Rise up, O Lord!
Let Your enemies be scattered,
And let those who hate You flee before You.”

Num: 10:35 NKJV( Italics mine)


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