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The Poisonous Cocktail of Complaining, Unbelief and Doubt.

Day 43

Reading: Num. 12:1- Num. 14:45

Complaining will bring trouble. Make matters worse by not only complaining but also comparing yourself with those who are your leaders and think of yourself as their equals. Miriam and Aaron didn't understand the relationship between God and Moses.  Yes, Moses' wife was not an Israelite, she was black, however, that was not a reason to bring about an attack against your deliverer.  Secondly, they saw themselves as being able to lead the children of Israel. Just because God has used you isn't room to attack a leader. This is one of the worst manifestations of the religious spirit which seeks to usurp the true order of God. 

Moses was known as a humble guy. There is no comment or indication that he cried to God about the insurrection of Miriam and Aaron. Instead, the Bible says, God heard the conversation and He instantly sought to resolve. Insurrection against God-ordained leadership will bring consequences that are divine judgement.  When God defends His own He does so without any man asking. God describes the relationship he has with Moses thus nullifying the thought that Miriam and Aaron had that they were equal to Moses. God asks why they were not fearful to speak about Moses? Lord forgive me for many times I have spoken against Your servants.

Learn to never fight battles of conversations against you. Learn to be still and let God fight for you. Is it not God who called you? Is God not able to defend you? Then rest in Him and know that He is able to deliver you wholly. Learn to never attack those who are leaders, they are appointed of God. Neither should you attack the follower, they are God's concern.  Learn to be still and pray for the leaders no matter the fault you see in them. Don't gossip about them. If you see a fault that needs correction don't lord it over them. Be sensitive on how you communicate it. 

As Miriam was banished away from everyone for 7 days I wonder if this was not also a humbling for Moses and the children of Israel. No one is exempt from obedience to the Word. Reading this portion of scripture made me wonder how humbling this was for Moses. 

Moses acting on instructions from God sent 12 spies to spy out the land. They were to see the land. The land had been a promise, the spies would go and see the promise. They saw the land, and analysed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and listed their threats.  They even brought some produce from the land. Ten brought back a bad report. 2 believed that God was more than able to give them the land. 10 couldn't see the promise becoming reality despite the obvious challenges. 2 saw the challenges as platforms for seeing the power of God.  The ten spies didn't see the possibility of God winning the land for them. They only saw themselves fighting and forgot that God was with them. As a leader never forget that God is with you. Recount past testimonies always. 

Every challenge in life will be an opportunity to either believe God to possess His promise or to cower in fear and therefore die before seeing the promise. Learn that every promise God has set for you requires your faith to be set right. Posture yourself to take the land. See the land not as just a physical plot of land but also as any promise God has ordained for you. Realise the ten spies who brought back a bad report also said the land was what God had said however they feared the fight and couldn't see how God could make it a reality.  God doesn't tell us about the giants because they are not our concern. The giants are simply to be displaced from what is ours. The giants are bread for your taking. 

How do you perceive yourself in the midst of battle? The ten saw themselves as grasshoppers and said the giants also saw them as this. Fear is not to be allowed anywhere. The ten spies had a conversation with fear and agreed that they are grasshoppers. Stop every conversation with fear and rise up in faith in God. Have an attitude that we are well able to take the land. Learn to see yourself as God sees you. See yourself as one possessing all that God has ordained for you. See yourself as wealthy, healthy, joyful, abounding, peaceful, progressive, forward moving, and living longer. Don't see yourself by the environment you are to displace. 

Moses was disappointed with the response of the people and couldn't believe that they were choosing to return to the place of bondage instead of taking charge of their destiny.  God loved Moses and I believe one reason is because he was a leader of a different kind. The same gentleman who a few chapters earlier wanted God to get rid of the children of Israel was now interceding for them. He quickly humbled himself before God and reminded God that destroying the people would bring mockery of the deliverance from Egypt. 

God pardons the children of Israel, however, there were consequences for not believing in God. They would die waiting to enter. God was tested by the children of Israel ten times. A whole generation would disappear because of their unbelief. God swore by Himself as there is none higher than God and that the whole earth would be covered with His glory. God mentions and declares that Caleb would enter the land. He had stood up to adversity when the people wanted to stone him and Joshua yet they didn't flinch. May God remember you for standing on HIs Word. 

Many insights are revealed in this incident. One that I pray I constantly and remember is that God is listening to my words and does according to them. That's why its important for one's speech to be aligned to the Word of God. To speak contrary to the word of God will result in death in the desert of life. Charles, speak the Word to see God results.

Memory Verse: Num. 14:28


Father, I thank You for loving me. I repent for the many times I have tested You by not believing that You are able to do what Your word says. Lord let faith come alive in me. I declare that with You I am well able to possess the land of promise. I align myself to your Word and will only speak in accordance to Your word. I decree that the Word of God settles every issue. Mercy flows towards me for You are a God of Mercy, a covenant keeping God. I decree that I am possessing all in Jesus name. Amen. 


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