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Absalom's Treachery

Day 91

Reading: 2 Sam. 14:1 - 2 Sam. 15:37

One of life's most painful lessons is the treachery of human beings. When family or friends hurt you and leave you grieving the pain is not the same as when someone out on the street does something wrong. The pain goes deeper and it's easy to become bitter.

Absalom had fled from Israel knowing that he was a wanted man for the murder and revenge on Ammon his step-brother. Joab arranged for a wise woman to go see David and get him to forgive Absalom. The wise woman made David realise that he was not setting a godly example by exiling Absalom. The wise woman made David understand that God will not banish anyone but he will seek the person out. God will do everything in His power to restore the banished person. The wise woman was asking David not to forget the grace of God that enables one to enjoy forgiveness.

David gets Absalom brought back to Jerusalem however for 2 years he didn't see him. Now, this was worse than before. To say that you have forgiven someone and yet you have no relationship with them or have nothing to do leaves them in torment. Anyone who forgives and yet has no fellowship with that person should guard their heart as that person may turn people away from them. Absalom soon gets Joab to get David to see him. For Absalom I can almost imagine in his head how he wondered has my father forgiven me. He must have wondered what am I doing here for these years and my father won't even speak or see him. This must have made him mad with anger or even brought pain to his heart wondering whether he was wanted or not. It was only when he saw his father that forgiveness was meted out to him.

However, Absalom was an attention seeker. Absalom had an innate desire to be liked and to feel great. His handsomeness and the hair locks that were the talk of the nation opened the door to pride. On receiving an audience with his father he rides on chariots with a race horsemen ahead of him. Just because he had received forgiveness he now goes on a show it off. Its as though he saw I am now back in all my glory so I can do whatever I like. As I read this my heart was filled with remorse thinking of the many times I have walked before God like this and not in humility or childlike faith. Yes, Absalom was restored however he should have just taken a back seat.

Absalom began to offer counsel to the people seeking the counsel of the king. He didn't do it as an appointee of the king but he subverted the authority of his father. One of the challenges in the world today is that many operate like Absalom today. They subvert true leadership by making themselves the go-to person when they are not appointed to that role. The Absalom spirit is one that seeks to destroy true God-given leadership. He desired to be made the king and the people swayed with his looks and the evil plan

Absalom decided that he should become king and executed a plan to become king. For David this was painful. It meant his fleeing the palace as a wanted man. His son, whom he forgave had overthrown him. Absalom didn't just sway the population, he also went with key leaders. However, notice that Absalom didn't have the priesthood or the Ark of the Covenant. When you walk in the flesh God is not considered in the plan. David on fleeing Jerusalem even has the priests carrying the Ark going with him. David asks them to return the Ark to Jerusalem for he understood that the people needed to worship God and he also was throwing his faith on God in trusting Him for restoration to the throne. Lean on God for His favour to be displayed and you will be restored to the place of glory.

As David fled Jerusalem he went up by the Ascent of Mount Olives weeping and barefoot. As he got to the top of the mountain he worshipped God. David understood that challenges didn't mean he leaves his worship aside. He would worship even in trouble. Whatever or whoever is troubling you should cause you to worship God more. David worshipped God not knowing where he would be tomorrow but he knew who held tomorrow. Worship is more than a humbling of ourselves to God. Worshipping God tells Him that we trust Him. You may not be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I urge you look to the Light and watch how He brings you out of the tunnel. 

Memory Verse: 2 Sam. 14:14b


Declare this scripture in/to/over every situation where you are trapped.

Yet God does not take away a life; but He devises means so that His banished ones are not expelled from Him. 2 Sam. 14:14 (italics paraphrased)


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