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Jezebel is Alive Today

Day 104

Reading: 1 Kings 21:1 - 1 Kings 22:53

In the journey of life, you will meet many characters. People either add, multiply, subtract or divide in your life. The impact of these people determines whether their actions are for good or not. Surround yourself with those who are God centred. Let your friends add joy and peace to you, multiply love and grace, subtract burdens from you and divide challenges you are facing by being an answer to the problems of life. Friends inspire us to greater works or to our demise. 

Ahab had married outside of Israel. He had married the daughter of the King of Sidonians. God had commanded the children of Israel to never marry from the people they evicted from the land for they would turn their hearts from serving God. We have seen the actions of Jezebel for the last two days. She had priests of baal and asheroth dining at her table. Ahab worshipped baal, had an altar for baal and somehow had prophets he would call for guidance. Jezebel today is an evil force that many are in a relationship with having put aside the commandments of God. Please note that contrary to tradionislists Jezebel today is not a woman with lipstick. I repeat again that Jezebel is an evil force working in both men and women who have opened the door to satanic byways. Ahab did wickedness because Jezebel stirred him up. This evil force is stirring many to participate in wickedness more than  ever before. 

Jezebel today is a relationship that is evil personified. They will use the name of God to soothe your ego, however, they have nothing of God in their character or actions. Jezebel is at work through that person who is soothing you whilst doing wrong that grieves God. Jezebel manifests as the character who comes to appease you and uses your position to obtain gain that is corruptly gained. Jezebel is a schemer, scheming for your gain but undermining your covenant with God. Jezebel's words will use the name of God to influence decisions in your favour whilst worshipping idols. Jezebel knows about God and has no desire to please God but will use the name of God for evil intentions. 

Jezebel is an evil force that is working against the move of God. Jezebel on hearing what Elijah had done on Mount Carmel, by executing all her priests and turning the people back to God sent a chilling death threat to Elijah. The fact that Elijah saw his death not only indicates the power of this evil force that he was contending with. The encounter Elijah has with God in the cave only reaffirms his capactity to hear God and reaffirms his call though he was given instructions of who would take over from him. To reaffirm that God is a God of grace, Elijah even is sent to Ahab to tell him the word of the Lord again. He may have run from Jezebel before, however, he returns and confronts Ahab and delivers his death sentence. May God raise again all those prophets who have fled from the frontline because of the taunts of the enemy whom they have been fighting.

Jezebel brought a system of worship that was demonic. Jezebel used her influence not for God but for selfish interests. Jezebel valued the things of this world more than the standards of God. She would rather see her man, Ahab, happy than keep the law of God. Jezebel is that force that destroys the inheritance of fathers so as to please the soul of the one they love or for selfish reasons. Jezebel is a murderer that will kill and destroy just for their gain devaluing life. Jezebel is a force that is assaling every establishment of society. From the family to governement we see the working of this evil force to diminish the role of God in society and move people towards a worship that is controlled and to their liking. Jezebel is a force that seeks to redefine the boundaries of God by instituting their 'god', worship and lifestyle. 

The believer today needs to rise in prayer and build the altar of God again. We have allowed this evil force to reign for too long and thus we see a broken society breaking even further. Only true worship of the One True God can restore order. Be one who desires true worship of God and not the lies being peddled in the name of God in many places. May God raise Elijahs who will wrestle this evil force and win. 

Memory Verse: 1 Kings 22:43a


Father, I yield to You. I repent of allowing any Jezebel like attitude and actions to flourish in my life. I rise and cut off every influence of Jezebel in my life, ministry, business, workplace, and government and decree that the altar of God is being restored in our land. I decree that I will worship only Jehovah, the Lord Almighty. I declare that Yahweh is God over all. Lord baptise me with boldness to war agaisnt this evil force. Lord as You raised Elijah to deal with Ahab raise believers to contend with the spirit of this age. Lord make me a battle axe for Your glory in Jesus name. Amen.


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