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Of Kings and Kingship

Day 101

Reading: 1 Kings 13:1 - 1 Kings 15:34

Reading the book of Kings we will gain insight into God's dealings with different Kings. I realise that I am saying this when we are way into the book. However, in today's portion of the scriptural reading, we are introduced to different kings. One of the reasons I enjoy reading the Bible is that I get to see diverse characters and how God revealed Himself to them. 

Jeroboam became King of Israel, leading 10 tribes after the Kingdom was torn into two namely, Judah and Israel. He became king by a prophetic announcement, however, he quickly forgot God. He committed the sin of misleading the people of Israel astray from the true worship of Jehovah. Jeroboam in an attempt to keep the kingdom to himself and not have the people influenced by the kingdom of Judah where the centre of worship for Israel was decided to erect two calves for worship and built high places. He then made anyone a priest. This gentleman simply went rogue against God. Anyone who knew the history of the children of Israel knew the sin of the golden calf while Moses was on the mountain receiving the ten commandments. God had also instructed that only the Levites could be priests. 

God sent a man of God. This nameless servant of God certainly carried the Word of God. As he made the decree speaking of a king that would arise who would destroy the altar that Jeroboam had made and the priests also, He gave the king a sign to show him that it would happen. When the altar split King Jeroboam in anger requests that the man of God be arrested. His hand withered as he pointed to the man of God and he soon was crying for mercy that God would  restore his hand. This was a display of God's raw power. Manifest Your power today, Lord!

As I read about the actions and the decree of the man of God against Jeroboam, I began to ask why we no longer see such servants of God. With all the corruption the world where are the servants of God who would decree justice. 

The Holy Spirit answered me speedily. Firstly, many of us want a name. Hey, who doesn't want a name in this day and age of branding? This man of God was nameless. He didn't want fame. He never introduced himself. He was only concerned with God's agenda. Today we have too many people who want a name. I am not scared to say that I have been there before and may God forgive us. God desires that we be dead to ourselves if we are going to carry His mandate.  The second thing that the Holy Spirit whispered to me was that many believers are only looking at the big place. They want to be generals dealing with the big issues forgetting that God is also looking for us to deal with issues at different levels. The Holy Spirit asked me who is willing to speak to their corporate bosses or peers who are building altars to themselves? If we all rise to our respective level peradventure we shall see the power of God in weeding out false altars in our land.

I know you want to know why then did the man of God die such a cruel death. The higher you go up the higher the price of sacrifice and obedience to God. God expects much from us when much is given to us. You cannot display such power and walk carelessly. Disobedience was the cause of his death. He was offered food by the king and refused but when a prophet lied to him he didn't skip the meal. He should have been discerning that the old man was not speaking by the Spirit of God. Child of God who are you listening to? Have you accepted the offerings of a liar and thus come to death. May God baptise us with discernment that we know who still walks with God and not a lying spirit! 

Jeroboam didn't change a single bit and his child was sick. He sent his wife in disguise to see the prophet who announced him to the throne of kingship. Ahijah, though old and with poor eyesight is revealed to by God who is at his door and welcomes her. He immediately speaks the demise of Jeroboam. It is a sad thing when one announces your arrival and also speaks your demise. Only the young child who died as the mother entered the town did God find good in their heart. The rest of Jeroboam's children and generations were condemned to violent deaths. Jeroboam teaches us to never forsake God who lifts and places us in our respective positions. Jeroboam was replaced by his son, Nadab. Nadab was killed by Baasha in fulfilment of God's word that the house of Jeroboam would not stand. 

Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Judah, Rehoboam was attacked by Pharaoh. Guess what he took? Gold and silver from the temple and the palaces. When the children of Israel left Egypt they took wealth from the Egyptians. The devil will always come for your wealth. Rehoboam sinned like his father by not following God and offered sacrifices to idols which opened the way for God to allow the enemy to attack him successfully. 

Rehoboam decided to make replicas of the shields that had been carried from the temple with bronze. Too many believers this is their life, they don't know the real or authentic faith. They carry a poor imitation of the true banner of faith. A shield protects and when Solomon made gold shields he was signifying that the protection of the children of Israel was of the highest standard. Rehoboam making a bronze shield was bringing mixtures into warfare. Gold is pure whereas bronze is an alloy of copper, tin and other metals. Rehoboam didn't understand that the shields of God were made out of the best for God. Rehoboam was not loyal to God, his worship was mixed thus his shields were mixed. He had one leg in one leg in idolatry so to him a shield of bronze was okay. Be sure that your shield of faith is pure not one mixed with either idolatry, or carnality, selfishness, wickedness, or impurity.

Rehoboam was succeeded by Abijam his son. Nothing noteworthy is recorded of him except that he walked in the ways of sin like his father. His mother's name is interesting. She was called Maacah, meaning oppression. Is it any wonder Abijam walked in sin? He dies and his son, Asa, takes over. Asa removes his grandmother from her position as queen mother which implies he purged the land of rulership that was not of God and oppresion. Asa we are told walked in the ways of David. The Bible says that Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. In fact, Asa reigned longer than David and Solomon. He reigned for 41 years and walked in the ways of God. He restored the utensils of the temple bringing out all that David and Solomon had dedicated to God.

Memory Verse: 1 Kings 15:11


Personalise this scripture. 

Charles did what was right in the eyes of the Lord! 1 Kings 15:11a (paraphrased; italics mine)


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