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The Father's Pain

Day 92

Reading: 2 Sam. 16:1 - 2 Sam. 18:33

I will keep repeating one statement. God's word cannot fail to come to pass. It doesn't matter how long it takes. The Word of God cannot fail to come to pass. No matter the challenges of life, seek God for a Word from the Bible that you may hold on to that will be your anchor of faith. God created the universe by the Word and thus everything in the world will have no choice but to comply with the Word. 

God's prophet, Nathan, told David that he would have adversity come to him and that he would be disgraced by a family member sleeping with his wives. Absalom was David's thorn in the flesh so to speak. Absalom acting on the advice of Ahithophel, a man whose counsel was seen as the oracle of God, he went and slept with the concubines that David had left behind in the open. This was in fulfilment to the word that Nathan declared in 2 Sam. 12:11. However, a prayer David made on learning that Ahithophel had joined the rebellion was about to come into effect. David had prayed and asked that the counsel of Ahithophel be turned to foolishness, 2 Sam. 15:31. God heeded the request and when Absalom was seeking to consolidate the Kingdom of Israel, he was advised to pursue David and kill him by Ahithophel. However, David had asked a friend of his, Hushai, to go back and pledge allegiance to Absalom and act as an informant to him. This way David would be a step ahead of the happenings in the palace. Hushai on hearing the advice of Ahithophel gave different advice and based on his knowledge of David as a warrior saw his advice heeded. Ahithophel committed suicide on hearing that his advice wouldn't be heeded. May every Ahithophel speaking against your destiny see their counsel become foolishness. 

Ziba, the servant of Saul who was serving Mephibosheth, arrived with food for those with David. David on enquiring why discovers that Mephibosheth had remained in Jerusalem thinking that he may finally be crowned as king. Ziba, for showing his loyalty to David was given what belonged to his master, Saul. This is a lesson to learn that we may sometimes lose what is our inheritance because we favoured the wrong party during the times of trouble. Don't disown a person when they are going through a tough time.

Absalom goes to war to seek David not on Ahithophel's terms but on Hushai's terms. Unknown to him, David and his men were waiting for them having received information about the plans that Absalom was planning. David asks his men not to harm Absalom, however, Joab didn't want any more trouble. Joab had sought for Absalom's restoration, however, Absalom had not only burnt his farms in seeking attention from David but he also had gone on to overthrow David. Joab decided enough was enough. Many times we behave like Joab in that we would rather kill off a troublesome person rather than exercise grace or extend an olive branch to them. Joab didn't know the pain of Absalom's father, David, that would be inflicted by the death of Absalom. 

David wept for Absalom desiring that he had died in his stead. This statement reveals the depth of David's love as a father for Absalom. Many today don't know the love of a father. Many also don't know the pain fathers go through seeing their children waste their lives. The Fathers' pain is one thing that society doesn't talk much about partly because many men have abdicated their place of being fathers. No father wants to go to war with his children. The desire of fathers is that the children build on their wings. The story of David and Absalom is symbolic of the pain God the Father feels when He looks at His children. Willing to forgive them however many times they abuse the forgiveness and royalty assigned to them. Is it any wonder the heart of the The Father is in pain for today's generation?

Memory Verse: 2 Sam. 17:14


Father, I thank You for Your love. I celebrate You and rejoice that Your love for me is unending. Thank You for being a Father to me. Lord, I realise that You only want the best for me. Your desire is not my death, but that I may live a long satisfied life. I decree that I will be pleasing to you Lord in Jesus name. Amen.


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