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Prevail in Prayer

Day 109

Reading: 2 Kings 12:1 - 2 Kings 14:29

God answers prayer and yes I know sometimes it looks like our praying is only hitting the ceiling. It can be frustrating to our walk with God when all things are not working out as expected after prayer. There are various facets to prayer. Prayer is a vast topic and one I am continually learning. Prayer is communication with God. Its a two-way conversation with God regarding circumstances in life.

Jehoash on becoming King of Judah is recorded as having walked in the ways of God. He did what was right in the sight of God even though he never removed the high places that people were using to worship. He was keen to see the House of God restored and wondered why the priests were not heeding the instructions to get the work going. Lord, give us leaders who will yearn for Your House to be restored to its glory. 

Jehoahaz became the King of Israel in the 23rd year of King Jehoash's reign. This was the year that King Jehoash began to rebuild the temple while his counterpart in Israel walked not in the ways of God. Previously we saw God's anger only against the king, however, in King Jehoahaz's reign we see God's anger against the nation of Israel and they soon were oppressed. King Jehoahaz followed the sins of Jeroboam who moved the people away from worshipping God and as a result, they were delivered to Hazael the King of Syria. Remember that when Elisha anointed him as king, he wept because he saw the atrocities he would commit in afflicting the nation of Israel. 

The Bible declares that King Jehoahaz cried to God. He pleaded with God. This implies that he sought mercy from God. Here was a man who didn't walk in the ways of God and sought to see God's mercies. The Bible says that the Lord listened to him. A man without a record of any well-doing before God talked to God and God listened. Anyone who says God's grace began in the New Testament is a liar. God's grace was what allowed the King to get God to send a deliverer who freed the people from the yoke of oppression. Prayer lesson to learn is that one should rely on God's grace for deliverance. God answers prayer not based on our righteousness but His mercy. May we receive God's mercy in all that pertains to us.  God had compassion for the children of Israel and regarded them because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For 17 years during the reign of King Jehoahaz, the children of Israel were oppressed by King Hazael but thanks be to God for His compassion and grace. May God have regard for us because of His covenant. It doesn't matter how bad the oppression; cry to God for mercy and wait to see God's deliverance. 

Elisha became sick. For a man who saw the powerful display of God's power and might, it's interesting that he falls sick. He saw Elijah raptured yet he died a natural death. He was so anointed that when a dead body was thrown into his grave, it resurrected yet he died of sickness. Somethings I am learning to understand that God's ways are higher. 

Before Elisha dies, King Joash of Israel comes and cries to him knowing that he was about to die. His cry is similar to Elisha's cry when Elijah was raptured. We don't have much insight into the relationship of Elisha and this King, however, his cry reveals an aspect of honour. The king could see that the prophet was going to heaven and promptly Elisha tells him to take a bow and some arrows. He shot with one arrow in the east and decrees that victory over the Syrians was his. Elisha then asked King Joash to strike the ground with an arrow. He struck only 3 times and this infuriated Elisha because the king didn't persist. If the king had persisted he would have total victory over the King of Syria. 

Learn to strike blows at the enemy in prayer. In boxing, the boxer seeks a technical knockout knowing that this will stop the fight immediately in victory as opposed to just sparing with the opponent and fighting the whole distance of the fight which leaves the decision to judges. Too many believers are sparing with the enemy instead of throwing punches that will terminate the fight. Contend in prayer to prevail over every oppressor.

Memory Verse: 2 Kings 13:23


Personalise and declare this Scripture

But the Lord was gracious to Charles, had compassion on Charles, and regarded Charles, because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and would not yet destroy or cast Charles from His presence. 2 Kings 13:23(paraphrased and italics mine)


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