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God Is Able

Day 106

Reading: 2 Kings 4:1 - 2 Kings 5:27

God is more than able to turnaround our situations from ugly to beautiful. It doesn't matter how bad the mess is. God can deal with every situation and is more than willing to provide a solution to the challenges we face. The Word of God is creative in nature. In the beginning, we saw the God speak as part of Creation. Reading the passage of scripture above I perceived that it's God's mind to release His power over every messy situation we are in. 

Let every debt in your life hear the mind of God. Within you is the capacity to deal with that debt. The woman and her two sons were facing creditors who were coming with bailiffs to take away her sons as slaves. She cried to the prophet that by reason of the service to God her husband had given to God, may the family see the merciful hand of God in delivering them from this oppression. She didn't buy anything to trade with to get out of the situation. God multiplied what she had and suddenly she had not only enough to pay off the debt but also a pension for the rest of their lives. I pray that God will give you an idea that will cause you to pay off every debt you and your family owe. She was instructed to borrow jars to pour the oil she had at home and once she had borrowed them from her neighbours she was to close the door. Stop discussing your financial freedom strategy with everyone for they may be the saboteurs the enemy uses to express doubt in the instructions God gives you. That little thing you have remaining is about to bring supply into your life that frees you from the bondage and slavery of debt.

Divine connections that will aid you in the journey of life is another blessing of serving God. As Elisha served God he was ministered to by a noble woman who just offered accommodation to him and his servant. She never expressed a need only desiring to be a blessing to the prophet. As you journey through life may God connect you with those who refresh you providing a place of rest for you. 

One day the prophet asked the woman what she wanted. He was touched by her gesture and wondered how he could be a blessing. Don't just enjoy divine connections. Declare a word of a breakthrough for them in areas where they are in lack and have given up seeing the hand of God. Elisha's servant tells her that she didn't have a son and that the husband was old implying that there was no hope for a son. In 12 months she delivers a boy. In every situation,  you have given up seeing the hand of God thinking that you are past the age and have settled it within that you will never hold your desire, I pray that in the next 12 months you will hold that which you desired but have given up believing it can be done. 

The miracle child dies suddenly. The woman understood that words spoken in perilous times were to be life-giving words and not those agreeing with the situation. She never declared that the boy was dead. She never told anyone her dilemma. She runs to the person who brought about this miracle to respond to satanic arrow thrown at them. Stop talking in agreement with your mess. You are only empowering the mess making you messy like a child who falls in mud and decides to play in mud instead of getting up and walking away. Her words were simple "It is well". Speak to the mess you are facing and declare "It is well". Decree to every challenge "It is well".  Elisha on seeing her coming towards him asks his servant Gehazi to run and ask her what is the matter. Her response was "It is well". She only wanted the prophet who brought the miracle about the word of his mouth. She fell and held on to his legs implying that the prophet had to go with her. Sometimes you need violent faith to simply tell God I won't let go unless you come into my situation. Her language was of faith and her actions were now of a violent faith. Your actions must correspond with your faith. 

Elisha arrives and finds the boy laid on the bed he sleeps on. Gehazi had been sent with his rod to lay it on the boy and nothing happened. Relax, don't think that God has closed your case He knows you have tied everything however prayer still works. Some situations require you lay on them and breath directly into them, look into them, hold them, come over them with your entire body and declare life over the dead situation making it turn from cold to warm. He then got up and walked about. He must have been in prayer and worship knowing that God is the Life-giver and could restore the boy back to life. Whatever has died in your life that was a miracle you received is coming back to life. He lay over the boy again and this time the boy sneezed 7 times. I declare to you that by reason of this prophetic word whatever has been dead will come back to life again and amaze the world. 

The power of God cannot be limited. God is capable of anything. No miracle is too hard for God. Nothing is impossible for God. The food the sons of the prophet and Elisha were eating contained a deadly poison. Whatever in life you have eaten that has been called death is turning today. This may not be food in the practical sense. It may be the business source that looked nice however you have discovered that it contained within it a death to your wellbeing. The prophet poured flour to deal with the pottage. Pour the Word of Faith into the pottage that contains death instead of throwing it out and see how it will be harmless to everyone who partakes of it. What has entered your system and is designed to kill you will not succeed because the Word of God will reverse it making it harmless.

To someone who's looking at the bank account and wondering if they have enough to eat for the remainder of the days of the month, I have good news for you. The little that you have will sustain you. In the days of a famine, a visitor brings some food and the food that was brought which wouldn't have fed many was used to feed 100 men. God can multiply the little you have and make it plenteous.  May the Lord who multiplies multiply the little resources you have brought to God and cause it to feed many.  The key to unlocking the multiplication power of God is in speaking the word over it after presenting it to God. Don't bring the little resources to God as a complaint. Come with thanksgiving for He is able to multiply the resources to become more than sufficient. God is the All-Sufficient One and this is in every aspect of life.

People will hear of the power of the Word of God in your life and will seek your counsel. Naaman was advised to go see Elisha. He was a general who was mighty in battle but was a leper. Every form of leprosy that has plagued your wellbeing will encounter the force of the Word of God. Life may have termed you a leper in one area of life while the world sees you as a general. Naaman was sent to the prophet but instead goes with a letter to the king. Every person who is meant to see you and has instead gone to see the king, I announce to you that they will come to the correct address. Naaman was given an instruction to dip himself in the river Jordan 7 times. The river that God parted for Elisha to cross after receiving the mantle from Elijah was now going to be a source of a miracle. Learn to dip yourself in the river of God. Dip yourself in obedience to the instructions of God and watch as God wipes every leprosy away from your life. The stigma you have endured, walking through life and manifesting your potential whilst dealing with the very public problem is ending today. Go dip yourself in the prophetic river of God and say bye bye to the leper status. From a leper, you are becoming a 'leaper' in life. Lepers in Israel were restricted from access. Naaman would not have seen Elisha the law prohibited his coming into contact with him general or not. Don't allow pride to rob you of the opportunity to begin to leap from every restriction men have placed on you. 

Elisha refused to take any money as a gift in exchange for the miracle. Don't merchandise the power the of God. Don't abuse the gift God has placed within you by using it to make money. Gehazi became a leper for seeking monetary gain missing out on what would have been a glorious destiny for him. 

The Word of God is alive and able to change every situation you are facing. I commit you to the Living Word and decree that you are made whole again. I pray that as you have read this a significant shift occurs in what concerns you. Faith for the Word of God comes live to bring about the miracle you are desiring. God is not dead and His Word is alive. 

Memory Verse: 2 Kings 4:16


Lord, I embrace Your Living Word. I decree that Your Word is alive and able to change every situation I face. I decree that where death has struck me by the Living Word it is reversed. I decree and embrace supernatural supply in all that pertains to me. The Lord Almighty is able to turn around my life for His good. I command to come to life every prophetic miracle You have given to me. I decree that death will not have its way in anything regarding my life. Wherever death has entered my life it is reversed by the Living Word of God entering my life right now. I decree that I will no longer be known as one having great victories but a leper. From today every form of leprosy in wiped away as I bathe in the River of God's Word. I decree that my heart is not given to financial impropriety seeking to make gain where I shouldn't. I decree that my heart is given wholly to serving God who is able to perfect that which concerns me in Jesus name. Amen


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