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God's Wisdom Uplifts; Carnal Wisdom Tears Apart!

Day 100

Reading: 1 Kings 10:1 - 1 Kings 12:33

I am humbled that we have been on this journey for 100 days. As I wrote this tears flowed as my mouth was filled with thanksgiving for each day of learning. I only want to go deeper in my walk with God and these 'scribbles' are only a portion of the revelation of who God is. As I began to write I felt as though God desired to impart into my life a gift and today's lesson was not only about the gift but also a warning. In divine encounters don't just seek to hear the good news learn what you need to maintain the blessing.

The Queen of Sheba hearing of the fame of Solomon concerning the Name of the Lord visited Solomon and came with hard questions to answer. Solomon's wisdom brought fame to the Name of God. Did you know that God is called The Only Wise God? The world was discussing how this man would answer enigmas and no question was too hard to answer. To the glory of God, everyone knew that it was the doing of God. The world is seeking for solutions to challenges that only God can help solve.

Visitors came to see Solomon with questions and brought gifts. This man is the example of how believers should be today. The world should bring its questions to us as we have access to the wisdom of God. The Bible declares that Solomon answered the questions of the Queen of Sheba. None was too difficult to answer. May God baptise us with wisdom that enables us to answer the enigmas of today's society. May God make you and I gurus in the marketplace by divine wisdom.

Solomon though had an issue that plagued his father and was now manifesting in his life: women. Solomon's first wife was the daughter of Pharaoh. As he built his palace he built her a place and this was just the beginning of his backsliding. He soon married many women whom God had said none of the children of Israel should marry Exodus 34:16-18. In our accounts of Solomon so far we don't see any priest or prophet warning him. However, just because your sin has not been caught doesn't mean that you should continue. Solomon had two encounters where God appeared to him and instructed him to walk according to the commandments and ways of God. The Bible records that God was angry with him having appeared to him and warned him.

The many wives he had didn't have an immediate effect. However, when Solomon was old he gave into building altars for idols. The wives had turned his heart away from God. His heart wasn't loyal to God anymore. He built high places where his wives offered incense to their gods and he accompanied them. This is a man whom God appeared to now serving the devil.

The wise man had been snared by women and turned from God. Child of God, no matter how high you go in life remain humble before God. Remember that all that you have is from God. Don't associate with those who will turn your heart away from God. Let Solomon a man who in all his splendour was esteemed by the world teach you and me one lesson: don't stop walking in the ways of God even in old age. I know of many who were on fire for God in their youth who life's choices have snuffed the embers of the fire of God. Solomon no longer had a passion for God. He now was chasing the things of the world and the result was that the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two. The only reason that God maintained the throne of the tribe of Judah was because of His covenant with David. 

Solomon's turning away from God resulted in his facing enemies. One such enemy, Jereboam, met a prophet, Ahijah, who announced to him that he would soon be king over 10 tribes. Sin will open the door to an enemy to dispossess your generations. 

Rehoboam took over from Solomon at his death. Rehoboam listened to the wisdom of the young men and not the elders. God ensured that Rehoboam saw the Kingdom of Israel torn into two. Be careful that the people you listen to don't take the kingdom of God away from you. Rehoboam is like many young people today who don't want the advice of elders and end up losing the wealth of their fathers.

Child of God, today as I write this my heart is heavy because many have become cold in their pursuit of God. Many times we seek God because of what we want from Him not because He is God who is the Almighty. When was the last time you cried for House of God and not your house? Have you become cold in your loving God because of your pursuit of the things of life? Solomon was on fire for God, however, he forgot to guard jealously his heart against those who would drive him away from loving God. Put away anyone or anything that is stealing you away from the Presence of God. 

To be left with one tribe whilst 10 were torn away from the house of David was also demeaning to the House of David. Yes, God maintained the throne for the descendants of David, however, they now ruled 1 tribe and not the entire nation as before. Be careful that you are not celebrating having a throne in life but it is a portion of what God intended. Many today think they have it all, however, they are ruling over only a portion of what God had originally set for them. Sin will chip away the blessings God had set for you. Today pray that God gives you the wisdom that makes you shine and recommit yourself to serving God alone.

Memory Verse: 1 Kings 10:24


Father, You are the Only Wise God. Lord, baptise me with Divine wisdom. I pray that You will use me to solve the challenges of the world today. I dedicate my heart to you and put aside everything or anyone that is pulling me from following you. Lord, light Your fire in me again. May I burn for the world to see that Jehovah is alive in Jesus name. Amen


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