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Inquire & Worship God.

Day 94

Reading: 2 Sam. 21:1 - 2 Sam. 22:51

One of my joys, as I'm reading through the Bible, is the way am learning new things. I have read the Bible many times, however, this year the Word of God has become more real to me. God in His Word has become real to me in ways I cannot explain. His Word is alive in me. I pray that this blog is causing you to hunger for the Word of God. 

Over and over in the Bible, we are introduced to different characters. I love looking to see what made God choose a person. Why would He use Abraham? Many say they are children of Abraham, however, they don't know why God chose him. God chose Abraham because he would teach his children the commandments of God. It wasn't because of an offering. Abraham could be trusted by God to teach his children the ways of God, to do righteousness and justice Genesis. 18:19. What made God use David? We have seen how David was forgiving and also how he was quick to repent. He feared God. 

One major reason God loved David despite his flaws was that David was a worshipper. David was a man who understood the importance of worship. David also understood the importance of seeking God. The land was undergoing a famine and David inquired of God what the cause was. David understood that something was withholding the blessings of God. 

The action of a past occupant of the throne had brought judgement on the nation. The Gibeonites had an understanding with the children of Israel that they were to serve them. Remember they appeared before Joshua as travellers from far and obtained a covenant that they would never be destroyed by the children of Israel. Even though God was not consulted in the making of the covenant with the Gibeonites, the covenant was to be honoured. Joshua was summoned by the people of Gibeon when they were attacked by the king of Jerusalem and the children of Israel successfully defended them Joshua chapters 9 and 10. However, Saul didn't get the memo of the covenant. He plundered the Gibeonites and unknown to him it resulted in a closed heaven leading to a famine in David's reign. 

Understand that the actions of leaders can lead to famine in subsequent generations. The challenges we see in families, nations today are the result of the many covenants that have been broken resulting in a famine. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He changes not. Dishonouring covenants will result in closed heavens. May God have mercy over us. 

David asks the Gibeonites how to resolve the wrong done to them. They didn't want money, instead, they asked for 7 men from the family of Saul to die. Only the blood of the men could appease the ground. Remember that God told Cain that the blood of Abel was speaking from the ground where it was slain. It was crying for blood to atone the wrong. The blood poured by Saul in his attacking the Gibeonites resulted in the famine as no blood sacrifice was made to atone the error by Saul. The men were slain at the beginning of the harvest season. It rained later during the season. I hope this also helps you understand why the sacrifices made to atone the sins of the people were about the shedding of the blood. 

However, one of the concubines of Saul, Rizpah, lost two sons in this ordeal. She dressed in sackcloth humbling herself before God and defending the bodies of the 7 men who hung in the open for a period of time. When David heard of the actions of this lady he decided to act. You see Rizpah was married to Abner, the general of Saul's army, after the death of Saul. Ishbosheth who became king after Saul's death quarrelled with Abner because of her. Abner would later deliver the kingdom to David 2 Sam. 3:17-21. David liked Abner, however, Joab killed Abner in cold blood. Rizpah, therefore saw Saul die, then her husband Abner also and her two sons. She had every right to grieve and wear sackcloth in mourning wondering why she was mourning all her men and not bury anyone of them. David acts and brings the bodies of Saul and Jonathan who were not given a decent burial because of the circumstances surrounding their death. Together with the 7 men, they all are given a decent burial and it is then that the heavens are opened and the prayer of the land heeded. 

David the warrior was surrounded by giant killers. You attract those who are like you. David killed Goliath and his army had mighty men who were able to kill giants. Surround yourself with giant-killers, not people who cannot fight for you. David was faint in battle and the leaders covered him in battle asking him not to fight again for they were able to fight for him. God raise leaders who will allow their leaders to do other things while they battle for the leader's cause. Many leaders haven't maximised their potential because they are busy in the field fighting where those around them should have displaced them. Empower your people to fight giants for you.

David constantly worshipped God. God's desire is that we live a lifestyle of worship to God. David accessed God and I believe the reason God would reveal Himself to David from anointing him to be king to killing Goliath, to the numerous victories he enjoyed I believe worship was the key. When your worship is in place God fights for you. Worship breeds intimacy with God.

Memory Verse: 2 Sam. 22:4


Declare this scripture over your life.

“God sent from above, He took me, He drew me out of many waters. God delivered me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me; for they were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my support. God also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me. 2 Sam 22:17-20 (italics mine)


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