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Faith & the Supernatural

Day 107

Reading: 2 Kings 6:1 - 2 Kings 8:29

Faith is what enables us to see divine answers on human challenges. Without faith, we cannot enjoy the blessings of God. Faith is what makes the promises of God come alive. Faith is what made Abraham the father of the children of Israel. He believed God that what God said would happen. Faith places you in the proximity of God and removes you from the level of mere men. Faith provides the bridge to access the land of promise. The challenges you are facing are simply weights to help build your faith for greater dimensions of living. To build muscle and become stronger you must lift weights that are uncomfortable. See the place where you are as a faith-building exercise for exploits.

One area we need to apply our faith is in extending our boundaries. The sons of the prophets stated that the residence was too small. They went out to cut down logs to build the extension. In the process of logging, one prophet who had borrowed an axe head suddenly cries out that his axe head has fallen into the river. Elisha suddenly asks where it is and throws a stick to make the metal float. Let me encourage you whose seeking to enlarge the boundaries and have discovered that their axe head has sunk in the river of life. May by the power of God that which you were using begin to float again. Get ready to use your axe head again. To fulfil the desire to enlarge, despite the delays or losses so far, let the power of God revive your tools back. 

Faith in God's capabilities enables you to see what others cannot see. The king of Syria got wind that whatever he said in his bedroom was revealed to Elisha who consequently revealed it to the king of Israel. He decided that he needed to arrest this secret agent who was causing him great losses. The King of Syria sent his men to arrest Elisha. Elisha's servant on seeing the army panicked and asked what Elisha would do. Elisha was as calm as a cucumber. This gentleman in the face of adversity was unperturbed. He simply saw a different picture than the natural one. He prayed that the eyes of the servant would be opened to see the picture he was seeing. May God open our eyes to see as He sees. If we saw as God sees and what God has ordained for us we would deal with trouble differently. Elisha's servant saw the host of heaven protecting them. Elisha then leads the army to the King of Israel who then hosts a banquet for them before sending them back. The King of Syria never raided Israel again. When the power of God is undisputed even the enemy will leave you alone.  May our faith rise enabling us to see what God has for us not what the enemy has set against us. 

The Syrians decided to lay a siege over Samaria the capital of the Kingdom of Israel. During this siege, a famine hits Samaria leading to life deteriorating to the extent we are told of two women who agreed to practice cannibalism. Two women decided to cut up their babies and have them for dinner. When one cries to the King of Israel that they ate one child and now the other woman's child is being hidden the King got angry and cries for the head of Elisha. He blames Elisha for the famine. Many times we believers are blamed when things go wrong and many times we are riding the boat in the storm together with those blaming us. The reason the king blamed Elisha was that he expected this siege to have ended. Elisha had led an army to Samaria and had the king host a banquet instead of killing them. Now instead of good, they were reaping bad for the Syrians had forgotten what Elisha had done before. Elisha had been able to provide intelligence on the workings of the Syrian army. The king was now frustrated as he couldn't understand how with the prophet in Samaria there was no God solution to the siege. In a storm learn to have a calm faith. Learn to be steady in your trust in God and His ways. Understand that God will not always work the same way He did to bring about your miracle. He works in many ways.  God is not a God of one method. 

Elisha prophesies that in 24 hours there would be so much food that that the prices would drop ridiculously. One of the kings top advisors on hearing this declares that even if God made the windows of heaven to open it would be impossible for that declaration to come to pass. Be far from doubters. Their fate is death. Elisha testifies that the doubting advisor would see the plenteous food but would not taste it. May every form of doubt be eradicated from our lives for it causes us to miss out on the blessings of God. Learn to develop faith even in the midst of the darkest of times. Learn to hold on to God even when all seems lost. Don't allow adversity to wipe out your hope in the promises of God. Without hope faith in God is useless. Hope is the expectation that one has in life.When your hope in the ability of God dies you lose out on seeing God manifesting His power to make the promise good. 

Four lepers were sat outside Samaria as the law dictated that lepers be outside and away from the people. They decided that sitting down was death, going into the city was a death row and saw hope only in going to the Syrian camp to see if they would get some food and may be allowed to continue living. Faith has an attitude of possibilities. Faith sees the possibilities surrounding one. Faith does not behave like an ostrich which sinks its head in the sand. Faith looks at the various options and decides to take steps towards victory. The lepers at twilight went to the camp and found the camp deserted. The Syrians at twilight heard armies coming to fight them and they fled. As the lepers were taking steps God was magnifying those steps to sound like an army.

God doesn't need a major army to chase the enemy away. He needs your faith steps to make big things happen. The lepers went and not only did they eat but they became wealthy carrying silver and gold away. They then realised that what they were doing was wrong. Many believers suffer from a disease called selfishness. The lepers realised that the victory was to be shared with the city where they were not allowed. Believers today find it hard to share good things with their own for immature reasons. Most believers want only to store everything for themselves. The lepers showed maturity by telling the city and inviting them to partake in the blessings God had given not just to them but to all. The lepers reported that the Syrians had fled and the people came out and had a feast. The doubting officer was trampled on by the people as they ran to get food. 

The Shunammite woman was advised by Elisha to leave the land for a famine was coming for 7 years. She returns at the end of the famine to reclaim her land with her son. As she arrives Gehazi is telling the King about the miracles that Elisha did. God will position people in places where you need to see His hand working for you. Gehazi immediately verifies that the Shunammite woman he had told the king about was standing in front of him together with her son. Faith is obeying the word of God. Understand that when God gives an instruction and you obey success follows. Faith is to take the word of God and comply with it fully. Too many believers today want to do half-half. One leg in God one leg in the world. God can never bless hypocrites. He will expose you and leave you. Who likes eating half cooked food? Yet is it any wonder that our lives are half-baked and not showing the full beauty of what God has ordained. Have faith in God and in His promises.

Memory Verse: 2 Kings 7:1


I decree that tomorrow at this time the heavens will be opened causing a change in my circumstances. I decree that in the next 24 hours I step into the place of supernatural provision. I will encounter the God of a turnaround by tomorrow in Jesus name. Amen


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