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Wise Words and Actions

Day 93

Reading: 2 Sam. 19:1 - 2 Sam. 20:26

The Bible is not a fantasy book. The Bible is full of principles that point towards the culture of the Kingdom of God. Don't read the Bible just to read stories. Study the Word to learn the ways of God. Imbibe the Word of God that you may become the manifestation God desires and designed you to be. 

David while mourning for Absalom was reminded of the importance of not letting personal issues becloud the good of the majority. Joab told him that he needed to congratulate the warriors who had fought valiantly even though he had lost a son. Every leader needs to understand the importance of putting aside personal challenges and issues to maintain the good of everyone else. As a leader, you have to be careful that you don't allow personal matters to distract you from seeing the good others are doing for it can be costly to you and others as well. 

David was a forgiving person. Shimei insulted the king as he fled from Absalom yet David was willing to forgive him. We are made to understand that Shimei stood on top of a hill while David went on his journey and Shimei uttered curses towards David, kicked dust and threw stones. David's men wanted to kill Shimei, however, David insisted on him being left alone stating that he didn't know if God had sent Shimei to speak against him. If anything David prayed that God would look at the cursing of Shimei and turn things around for the good of David 2 Sam. 16:5-13. I pray that as God turned things around for David, that the curses had no effect, we shall testify of the good in our lives. 

As David returned to Jerusalem he meets Mephibosheth. Ziba the servant had come and met David during Absalom's insurgency and provided food for the troops. Ziba had advised David that Mephibosheth was hoping that the throne would return to him. David on his return to Jerusalem found Mephibosheth unkept and on asking why he didn't flee with David he states that Ziba deceived him and has also deceived the king.  Did Ziba lie to David? Was Mephibosheth telling the truth or lying?  

Mephibosheth's answer contains a clue to this saga. Mephibosheth had an identity complex. He told David that he, David, had set his servant to seat at the table with him and thus he didn't think he had any right to cry to the King. Mephibosheth felt that he and Ziba can't seat on the same table. Many believers today have assigned the devil so much power that they can't cry to God for anything. The devil is God's servant. Aren't angels made by God to worship and serve Him? The devil is a fallen angel who is abusing your right to enjoy what God has already settled as your inheritance. Mephibosheth had rights as one sitting on the table of the King, however, he didn't see himself as worthy of calling for help from the king. The second pointer to an identity issue with Mephibosheth is that when David declares that the land of Saul and Jonathan be divided by both of them, Mephibosheth tells David that Ziba can keep the land. What foolishness is this? He had a son and had just given the son's wealth away. Don't be like Mephibosheth who wants to enjoy the good things of life others give him but is unwilling to trade and become wealthy. When you know your identity you don't trade your inheritance!

David showed kindness to his host who catered for him and his army during the insurgency. Barzillai had catered for David and when David was restored he escorted him part of the journey. David honoured the man, who at 80 years didn't stop to think that he had no business helping David because of his age or wealth. David invited him to seat at his table for his remaining days, though Barzillai declined on grounds of his age. Learn to repay kindness to all who do good to you. 

On returning to Jerusalem David soon finds not everyone was happy. Absalom may have been dead, however, he had sown discord in the hearts of many. Sheba soon led a rebellion against David. During the battle against Sheba and his men, Sheba flees into a city called Abel of Beth Maachah. When Joab and his men lay siege to the city a wise woman offers to help Joab to deliver Sheba so as to save the city. The woman in her wisdom went to all the people and Sheba was slain and his head delivered over the city wall to Joab. May God raise a generation that is wise and able to deliver our cities from destruction. 

Memory Verse: 2 Sam. 20:22a


Lord, I forgive all that have spoken ill towards me. I decree blessing over their lives. May I see a turnaround in every area where I am in tears. Lord as You restored David to his throne, may I be restored to every throne that You have ordained for me. I ask Lord that Your wisdom will overflow in my life in Jesus name. Amen


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