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Dedicated to God; Enveloped with Glory

Day 99

Reading: 1 Kings 8:1 - 1 Kings 9:28

God is a covenant-keeping God. God fulfils His Promises. None of His promises can fail. It doesn't matter what you have experienced in life God cannot fail. He has never failed and will never. Write it in your consciousness that God cannot fail. It doesn't matter how long it takes, God cannot fail. Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years and God came through. Hannah saw God come through. Noah preached for 120 years that it was going to flood to a people who had never seen rain, and God didn't fail. Solomon reminded the people that indeed God had not failed them. 

Once the House of God was completed the Ark of the Covenant and all the utensils in the Tabernacle were to be moved in. The priests did this and as soon as they walked out of the Holy of Holies the cloud of the glory of God descended and covered the entire place that no one could minister. Any temple of God without His manifest presence will lead to religion. Where God is the supernatural will flow with ease. 

The Ark of the Covenant had the tablets of the covenant God had with Israel and was taken into the temple as offerings which were being made to dedicate it. A combination of two things provoked the glorious manifestation of the Shekinah glory of God. Firstly, the temple was being dedicated to a Covenant Keeping God who is the glorious God. When the tabernacle was dedicated by Moses the glory of God descended and filled it Exodus 40:34. The glory descending on the temple was recognition of the temple as one dedicated to God, the Most High God. Remember that God desires to make His covenant real with you as a child of His. Anyone who walks in covenant with God sees His glory manifest. Solomon celebrated that God had kept his covenant with David and he now had built the temple as God had told David through Nathan. 

Secondly, the offerings being made to dedicate the temple were sacrificial. Solomon didn't spare any expense in the sacrifices that were made. The sheep and oxen could not be numbered. This man knew how to provoke God on the altar of sacrifice and the blood. He understood that an altar is a place for a divine transaction. Witchdoctors understand that blood is required for satanic agendas while believers don't realise the potency of the Blood as a sacrifice to provoke the glory of God over their lives. We have the superior covenant in this dispensation so have no reason to fear the activities of those using evil altars unless you are not sure of your identity in God.

Solomon proceeded to dedicate the House of God and declares that God speaks with His mouth and fulfils by His hand. Child of God please understand that if God spoke to you and gave you a promise His hand will make it come to pass. That doesn't mean we go to sleep or do nothing. Solomon had to get builders to build the temple, however, he understood that he only did by the power of God. Child of God ask God what you need to do to see the promise come to pass. We all have prophetic words that haven't come to pass; we have to seek God for the strategy required to see it come to pass. What idea will release the power of God to establish wealth to establish the Kingdom Deut. 8:18?  God's glory only comes on what He ordains. 

Joshua before dying reminds the people that God had been good to them and that all of God's good promises had come to pass Joshua 21:45. Solomon blessed the people by telling them that God had brought them to rest according to all He had promised and that every good promise had come to pass. Two people in the Old Testament we see making this declaration. May this be our testimony that every good promise of God manifests in our lives. Too many believers have no record of any prophetic promise coming to pass. There are numerous reasons for this from unbelief, doubt, disobedience, timing, and many other factors. I pray that we will build the House of God, make a covenant with God to abide by His Covenant and desire that His glory descends and abides in all that pertains to us. 

God appeared to Solomon again just as He had appeared to Him after Solomon's sacrifice at Gibeon. God reaffirmed His covenant with David and reminded Solomon that if he walked right before God the promise God made to David, would continue that a member of the family would sit on the throne as king. Solomon saw God appear to him something his father didn't encounter. He saw encounters on another level from what David saw. Sons should walk deeper in the dimensions of God by unlocking new levels. David regularly had prophets visit him. We are yet to see a prophet visit him, yet God has shown up twice. Solomon's sacrificially giving certainly was unlocking a new dimension of the supernatural. 

Memory Verse: 1 Kings 8:56


Personalise this scripture

Blessed be the Lord, who has given rest to Charles, according to all that He promised. There has not failed one word of all His good promise, which He promised through His servant Moses. 1 Kings 8:56(paraphrased.italics mine)


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