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Day 96

Reading: 1 Kings 1:1 - 1 Kings 2:46

Welcome to the book of 1st Kings. As the name suggests we will see ourselves introduced to different reigns of kings in Israel gleaning from them truths about the Kingdom of God. I commend you for being faithful in keeping up with your diligent study of the Word of God.

David in his old age encounters a challenge many leaders deal with as they age. The issue of succession is one that in many societies is not dealt with properly. We find today many elderly people don't have a will and even where there is a will it is challenged in court. Every leader needs to understand the power of planning their own succession. Failing to plan your own succession is to leave people without direction. David by not intending to enforce this principle by appointing a successor created a problem.

Adonijah was a son of David. He followed Ammon and Absalom and since both were dead he ascribed to himself the role of heir to the throne. Without consulting the reigning king, David, Adonijah gets Joab and Abiathar the priest to attend his coronation. He made an assumption that as the leading male son he would become the next king. He exalted himself not only in his mind but in his plan. Don't assume you are the chosen one. Pride comes before a fall and Adonijah was about to learn this.

However, David had made a promise to Bathsheba that her son Solomon would be king. Nathan, the prophet proceeds to remind Bathsheba of the promise sworn by David to her. As a by the way, Bathsheba means the daughter of an oath. David had made an oath to Bathsheba and she wasn't going to let him forget. Nathan advises her on how to go about the matter of reminding David of the oath by telling him of the breaking news that Adonijah had declared himself king.

David didn't waste time in dealing with the problem. This is where we as leaders ought to learn. Don't waste time in setting about a succession plan in that endeavour you have set up. David on hearing who was with Adonijah immediately set about the coronation of Solomon as the next king. He dictated on how, where and by whom the coronation of the king would take place. David conferred on Solomon the symbols of his authority as a sign to the people that he had chosen Solomon and not the self-proclaimed king, Adonijah.

Adonijah and his guests on hearing that David had proclaimed Solomon to be king arose and went on their own way in fear of what might befall them. Two guests, namely Joab the army commander and Abiathar the priest, that Adonijah invited really let down David. They should have known better than to go along with the plan of Adonijah. Solomon would later execute Adonijah. Adonijah felt the kingdom was stolen from him and sent Bathsheba to request something from Solomon. Solomon knew that if he didn't deal with Adonijah harshly, his reign would be troubled by Adonijah. 

David before dying instructs Solomon imparting wisdom and counsel for his reign. The first instruction is to be strong to prove himself a man. Today we have many leaders who are weak and unable to stand in the face of adversity. Secondly, David reminds Solomon to keep the charge of the Lord: to walk in obedience to the commandments, judgements and testimonies of the Lord that he may prosper in all things. Too many leaders fail to walk uprightly before God.

The third instruction involved Joab. David tells Solomon of the pain he had caused him by murdering Abner and Amasa in cold blood. Joab would destroy anyone he knew was a threat to his place as the commander of the Army. David wasn't going to leave Solomon with a problem. Joab by attending the self-coronation of Adonijah had sealed his fate. As a leader in David's government, he should have run to tell David of the plans by Adonijah to know whether David had sanctioned this. However, he went to the party sealing his fate. This same reason would also see Abiathar cut-off from the government. Solomon in executing the plan didn't kill Abiathar for he was a priest who carried the Ark of the Covenant. He instead banished him and confined him to one place.

Fourthly, Solomon was advised about Shimei. Shimei cursed David as he fled from Absalom. David had sworn that he wouldn't kill him, however, that didn't imply he wouldn't be killed in a change of government. The words that Shimei spoke were malicious and David didn't want to leave his son with troublemakers. Solomon invites Shimei to live within Jerusalem and they agree that if he ever left his place of refuge he would be condemned. When Shimei did cross the boundary he was executed. The Kingdom was established in Solomon's control by following all these instructions.

From this transition of David to Solomon what do we learn:
  1. Have a clear succession plan
  2. Let everyone know about it. Don't make assumptions about the process of transition to a new leader.
  3. Ensure you counsel the person taking over from you.
  4. Don't leave unknown enemies for your successor. Qualify every enemy and friend to your successor. 
  5. Let God guide you in the succession plan.
Memory Verse: 1 Kings 2:3


'I will keep the charge of the Lord my God: to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His judgments, and His testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that I may prosper in all that I do and wherever I turn. 1 Kings 2:3 (paraphrased, italics mine)


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