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Lord I Long To See You!

Day 103

Reading: 1 Kings 19:1 - 1 Kings 20:43

God desires that we see His power displayed. God detests that the world does not know His power. God is raising a generation that will manifest His power like never before. Reading through the daily reading the Holy Spirit began dealing with my heart regarding the manifestations of the power of God on earth today. 

Elijah walked not just in authority but in the power of God. Elijah spoke and it didn't rain for years. Ravens brought food to him. He was directed to the woman of Zarephath who only had a morsel of food remaining and at his word coupled with her obedience they never lacked supply. When he prayed God heard him. God answered his prayer to raise the boy from the dead and in the showdown with the priests of baal God again manifested His power. From the encounter where God answered by fire, Elijah prayed and it rained. As it came pouring down the hand of God came upon him lifting him and causing him to travel faster than chariots of horses. Elijah while fleeing from Jezebel's threats encounters an angel who feeds him. He lay down and when he woke up there was a meal ready for him in the desert.  

The power of God is not about a man or woman. One of the things am enjoying the book of 1st Kings is the nameless servants of God who spoke as directed and the power of God backed the prophecy. There was no delay. As it was decreed it happened. The more I read about all these decrees and the manifestations displaying the power of God I have been asking God why not today. Yes, I have heard and seen the miraculous however not to this effect where nations, rulers are captivated to knowing that when a prophet speaks it is settled. I am sure you want to see the power of God on display in your life. Can you imagine your boss knowing that you are sent of God and he or she cannot mess with you? Some prayer points will disappear from our thinking. I asked God what do I need to see the power of God. Below I list not a complete answer as I am still learning however it is going to point you and me in the right direction.

  • Be given wholly to God. The servants of God we have seen so far didn't care about their name. They only cared for God's agenda and anyone who was a hindrance met death. The man who didn't slap the prophet met his death for not heeding the prophet. Servants of God didn't just speak for their words carried weight. Lord may I only speak what You say!
  • Boldness. Ahab was killing prophets yet Elijah went to him. To dare the priests of baal required boldness, a courage that possessed him. Fear was not be known by the servants of God when God sent them. Believers, we need to be bold. We have given into fear too much causing us to not see the power of God. We seem to think only the enemy has power. He is a created being and his power is imaginary. God is not on par with the devil. 
  • The Word of God is alive and should be treasured. They spoke the living Word, not theory or dogma. You don't see these servants of God having debates on the 10 steps to know who is God. They embodied those who knew God and could only speak His Word.  
  • Common purpose. There was no fighting who is the greater servant or not. It was about God and God alone. They weren't in competition for titles. They didn't have an inferiority or superiority complex.  They just wanted to see God worshipped and not an idol. 
  • The still small voice of God was audible to them. They weren't like the generation of today, chasing the wind, the fire and such like manifestations of God. Today the believer looks for fire and not the voice of God. God help us for we are chasing what God is not in.
  • God is more than willing to defend His name. To see the power of God understand it's not about us but God. We are a pipe through which the power of God is to flow. When you see yourself as a conduit, you will understand why God could allow Ahab to see victory over the King of Syria when he was not walking right before God. The Syrians thought God was a God of the hills only and God needed to show them that God is the God of the whole earth.
  • Communion with God. Elijah even in trouble walked in communion with God. He ran to God, not his friends. He may have run for the wrong reasons but he runs to God. We cannot display the power of God if we are not in communion with God.
  • Not for selfish gain. The prophets or the servants of God were not in the business of peddling the power of God for selfish gain. Power was displayed in line with God's agenda.
The world today doesn't know God. You and I need to arise and show off the power of God in all of its glory. The world needs the living Word declared at every level of life. Will you be willing to pay the price to see God reign over your area of influence? Are you willing to lay down your life and ask God to use you to build His altar here on earth? Only then shall we see His power displayed.

Memory Verse: 1 Kings 20:28


Lord thank You for victory. Thank You that You are the Almighty God. Nothing is impossible with God. Lord, I pray that You will use me as a conduit for Your power here on earth. Show forth Your glory through my life, marriage, business, ministry and work. Lord, I ask that wherever You send me that You will baptise me with a heavenly boldness that I will dispossess the enemy of his ground and bring souls back to You in Jesus name. Amen.


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