Day 153
Reading: Psalms 31:1- Psalms 40:17
The Book of Psalms contains many prayers covering different themes. As mentioned when we started reading the Psalms, the Book of Psalms covers many different topics. Today as I read the Psalms my heart was tagged to forgiveness.
Forgiveness is necessary for inner healing. Unless one forgives they cannot enjoy freedom or liberty in a relationship. Not only do we need to forgive one another we also need forgiveness from God.Man devises wickedness in his heart is a thought that constantly runs through the Book of Psalms thus the need to ask God for mercy.
David reveals that there is a joy that is only known by those whose transgressions are covered by the Blood of the Lamb. David as a King understood that God is God of mercy and that this was only available when the Blood was applied in atonement over our sins. Blessed is the man that God has forgiven. There is a blessing that is obtained only when one is forgiven by God. Without forgiveness from the Almighty, how can one expect to receive that which is mighty from God?
David records that when one keeps silent instead of acknowledging their sin their bones become dry. Bones give structure and need to be oiled. As I read this portion of Scripture, Psalms 32, I wondered was God showing David that many today are suffering from sicknesses because they have not sought forgiveness. It is an established scientific fact that many diseases are tied to the mind. Unforgiveness opens the door to many issues including diseases.
The conviction of God is upon one's soul when they sin. God has set a mechanism that gets to work to show us when we have erred in His ways. Don't ignore the voice of the conscience that is seeking to show you when you have wronged. Many today have silenced this voice and only genuine repentance can awaken it.
On receiving forgiveness God is then able to instruct us in His ways. Only when we seek Him do we get to enjoy His blessings and the first blessing one ought to seek for is forgiveness from the Creator.
Memory Verse: Psalms. 34:1
Psalms 34:4
I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. (italics mine)
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