Day 165
Reading: Psalms 141:1 - Psalms 150:6
The Book of Psalms is filled with promises that release the power of praise. I have every reason to praise God. God is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth Genesis 1:1. He is the Author of my life Genesis 2:7. God is the one who is able to save Psalms 103:1-5. I praise God because His thoughts about me are uncountable Psalms 139:17. God is mindful of me Psalms 8:5-8. God cares so much for me that He set a crown on my head. I know maybe my life doesn't look like it has a crown however like David I will yet praise God because even if Goliath boasts I know who I represent and praise Jehovah. As I praise Him I see His power displayed.
When I praise God His power is displayed because praise enthrones God in our lives Psalms 22:3. Many times we go through situations where the enemy seeks to be enthroned. All we talk and think when in the valley is about that which is a shadow of death. However, remember that though you walk through the valley you are coming out of it untouched and refined in God's glory. Learn to give God praise in all circumstances and see His throne established in your life continually.
Praise helps shift your mind to the promises of God. When you sing of the greatness of Jehovah what seems impossible suddenly moves from being your problem to His issue. When you praise God you acknowledge that God is more than able to save. Praise is the pin to unlock the power of God. The children of Israel were surrounded by enemies and once they began to give God praise declaring that His mercy endures forever, God fought for them 2 Chronicles 20:22. Praise opens the door for God to fight for you.
Opening your mouth and singing praises to God, the Lord Almighty, causes His favour to flow towards us. David knew how to praise God and his worship continually filled the House of God. Many of the Psalms we see in the Book of Psalms are written by him. David once was fleeing from his son, Abimelech and declared that God is the Lifter of his head, his shield and glory Psalms 3:3. He declared this as he fled. In a situation where David had lost favour in the Kingdom, however, his declarations of praise soon became his testimony. Praise in hard times will unlock uncommon favour whereas complaining will bring more pain.
Praise is the weapon of execution of God's judgement when used correctly in our lives Psalms 149:6-7. Through praise one is able to bring about the judgement of every enemy. Walk with the understanding that a mouth full of God's praises will result in God being lifted above all situations.
Memory Verse: Psalms 147:15
Psalms 149:4
For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation. (italics mine)
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