Day 157
Reading: Psalms 71:1 - Psalms 80:19
The words we speak affect us just as the words we hear. It's imperative we understand the power of what comes of our mouth. Our words are either building or destroying lives. The writers of the Book of Psalms understood this and constantly cried to God making declarations about the words they would speak. Here is a brief breakdown of what the psalmists ordered as the prescriptions for those wondering what they should speak.
- Tell the deeds of God. Tell the generations to come of the awesome deeds of God. Tell those around you of the wrath of God that is coming towards those who chose to walk in unrighteousness. Let your words be words that magnify God.
- Sing the praises of God. Too many times we sing of our love for others and forget to sing praises to the one who gives us life. Sing of His goodness. Singing has a way of generating peace and joy that enables the heart to become calm. Did you know that when you sing your brain operates at a different wavelength from when you speak? You use different aspects of the brain that empower your body when you sing. Sing the song of God and watch how it affects your body and environment.
- Speak of the righteousness of God. We live in a day and age where many today are not speaking of the righteousness of God. Many would rather speak of the evil of the day and forget to speak of the righteousness that is found in following God's standards. Our children have heard so much evil that they only know evil whereas they are supposed to be hearing of the righteousness of God to be able to rise to it. When we speak of the righteousness of God we are setting a standard for the world. Silence denies God His honour.
- Speak words of judgement to your enemies. Let every enemy of God know that God will arise and contend with them. Don't just keep quiet towards every enemy fighting your destiny. Address them and let them know that God is the Judge who exalts one and brings another down.
- Speak words that tell of your faith in God. The children of Israel are accused of having forgotten what God did for them and complained whilst in the desert. Don't fall into this trap. Always remind yourself of the possibilities in God. Don't speak words that limit God.
Memory Verse: Psalms 79:11
Psalms 77:12
I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of Your deeds. (italics mine)
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