Day 161
Reading: Psalms 109:1 - Psalms 118:29
God is the creator of family. In the beginning, He placed the family in His plans for creation. One reason why Adam was not to live alone was that of family. Through family, society was grown and the population would increase. However, we find that this unit of society is under duress. When the family unit is destroyed then society's fabric begins to crumble. God desires to see families abound in His goodness. The Psalmist listed various blessings for the family.
- God's love is unending to His children Psalms 103:13. The manner in which a father pities the plight of His children how much more the Father of all fathers, the Creator, the Lord Almighty. God's love and desire for your wellbeing cannot be quantified. Man is finite while God is infinite. We cannot comprehend all that God has for us with our minds. Throw yourself on His love and watch as God's love bathes your life swaddling you with joy and peace.
- God does wonderful works Psalms 107:8,21. We have every reason to give thanks because of the wonderful works that God does on behalf of His children. Families should celebrate the works of God for them.
- God gives increase Psalms 115:14. The Psalmist prayed that God who blesses those who fear Him would grant increase to the family. God desires that you reside in a place of increase and not constraints. We live in trying times and it will take only the hand of God to see the increase we desire within our families.
- God is mindful of family Psalms 115:12. Reading this passage of scripture I concluded that God's mind is full of me. I am not forgotten and though men may discard me God is not finished with me. God being mindful of me results in blessings abounding towards me.
- Children are God's reward Psalms 127:3. God hates barrenness in every format. He makes the barren woman a mother making your spouse a fruitful vine Psalms 128:3. God desires to bless you to destroy barrenness in every arena it has set itself against you Psalms 113:9.
- God cuts off the descendants of the wicked Psalms 37:28. The Psalmist may as well have been living in our times where we see in many developing nations the wicked becoming more prosperous. However, God has already drawn a timeline for them. Draw comfort that their end is not rosy unless they turn to God.
- The man who fears God sees his descendants become mighty on earth Psalms 112:1-3. Wealth and riches belong to this family. When you fear God and walk in His ways He will cause you and your family to shine. Sometimes we seem to think this will only happen in heaven however God is interested in your life here on earth. God desires that we display His magnificence in all our lives.
- Joy and peace reside in our homes Psalms 118:15. God desires that our homes are filled with His joy and peace. We should strive to proclaim, seek and maintain the joy and peace of God in our homes. Joy and peace is a result of God's light shining on the upright. When a family seeks God's light in every situation they will soon be illuminated with a radiance of joy and peace.
Memory Verse: Psalms 118:15
Psalms 118:15
The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; the right hand of the Lord does valiantly. (italics mine)
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