Days 149
Reading: Job 35:1 - Job 42:17
Everyone faces trouble. Trouble comes in many ways. For some it's illness, others its unemployment, sudden loss of a business, marital dispute or maybe a court case that just drags forever. You know what trouble you are facing. I want to encourage you that there is an ending that is of God in every trouble. What lessons can be derived from the Book of Job?
- Fear not. Because of fear Job opened the door for the trouble he went through. What is that inner secret fear you harbour that is driving you instead of the love of God?
- God can boast about you. Job lived such a great life that pleased God that God could boast about him in heaven. Is God able to boast about you?
- Be wary of the wisdom of friends when in trouble. Job's friends castigated him by accusing him of sin while not seeking God for an answer to his troubles. They spoke of God without His authority to declare to Job of hidden sin.
- Don't allow trouble to diminish the magnitude of who God is. Job in his trouble questioned the actions and wisdom of God. God's response to Job was to take him and ask him if he was there when he created the universe and set laws in motion. God's response was to remind Job that there is nothing that God cannot do.
- Repentance. Once Job saw his folly in questioning the validity of God's actions in taking him through the troubles he underwent he quickly repented. Be quick to repent of sin to enjoy God's goodness.
- Pray for those who revile you. Job's miracle came from his praying for his friends. Your restoration is tied to your forgiving those who revile you and praying for them to be restored to the place God has ordained for them.
In conclusion, Job moved from the place of hearing about God to seeing God. God's desire is that we move from the place of hearing about God to seeing Him. When all you see is God then the trouble soon becomes a miracle leading to your restoration.
Memory Verse: Job 42:10
Job 42:5
“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. (italics mine)
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