Day 121
God created us for a relationship. Inside every person is a desire for a relationship with God. That desire is what pulls many to look into the supernatural or divine realm. Many are seeking for answers and we the children of God have a responsibility to tell the world of the goodness and greatness of God. Somehow we seem to be inhibited and even fearful of telling the world about God. The tragedy of today is that those with the answer have hidden the solution while the world seeks for God.
Solomon on becoming the King of Israel heads to Gibeon where the Tabernacle was. His father David, had not moved the Tabernacle to Jerusalem. He only moved the Ark, which was to be kept in the inner part of the Tabernacle, to Jerusalem. This is like many believers who desire to see God, however, they only want a part, not the whole. God is interested not just in the inner man but in the whole person.
Solomon set about fulfilling the prophecy that he would build the House of God. He immediately sets about getting the workers for the job whilst also getting the resources ready. He understood that in his kingdom he didn't have enough quality craftsmen or resources to build. He then writes a letter to Hiram the King of Tyre.
The letter was not just a request but one that magnifies the greatness of God. The letter extols the virtues and qualities of God. In the letter, Solomon declares that the temple would be great, however, no man is able to build a place for God as the heavens cannot contain Him. He declares that God is greater than idols worshipped by everyone. Talk about witnessing to the King. Today's believers are scared to tell others about the bigness of God. Look at Solomon who was not scared to mention God.
Solomon not only writes about God, he also requests for cedars to build and requests that Hiram send him a craftsman who would train and work alongside those in Israel. Hiram sent him not only his regards but also acknowledged that God made heaven and earth. He understood that he was just a steward and could not deny Solomon's request. This man was sensitive to God and understood that he would rather cooperate with Solomon than oppose him and inadvertently be fighting God.
Hiram also sent Solomon the best craftsman he has available to him. He also sent him the cedars that he needed to build the House of God. May we believers rise and become bold in accessing resources that we don't have to build the Kingdom of God. Solomon also understood the ways of trading in the world. He didnt just ask for resources for free. He offered to trade to get. World trade treaty alliances began many years ago. Learn to trade that you may establish the House of God.
Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 1:1
"Now Charles was strengthened in his kingdom, and the Lord his God was with him and exalted him exceedingly" 2 Chronicles 1:1(paraphrased; italics mine)
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