Day 137
Reading: Nehemiah 8:1 - Nehemiah 10:39
I am not alive because I deserve it and neither are you. We are alive and where we are in life because God is merciful. Many don't understand God's mercy. Many go through life thinking they deserve or are owed by God the best in life. That is a proud attitude. You see God is Holy. We are sinners. We are unclean yet we are loved by God who is pure and all powerful.
Nehemiah and Ezra summoned the people to listen to the Book of the Law. Ezra read the Book of the Law and was surrounded by people who helped the people understand the commandments and statutes. The whole purpose of reading the Law was to not only remind people of the Covenant God had made with them but to also get them to see the mercy of God. The reading of the law brought conviction to the hearts of the people. This conviction resulted in people weeping, however, Nehemiah and Ezra resolved that it was not to be a day of mourning but a day of joy.
Joy was going to be experienced instead of mourning because the people were in the place where only the mercy of God could have availed them. Reading the Law brought an understanding of the past failings, however, the people were not to focus on the wrongs but on the goodness of God who had been faithful to keep His Word. Joy is a result of a decision. Make the choice to see the goodness of God in all circumstances and you will walk with the joy of the Lord strengthening you. Many times we quote Nehemiah 8:10 about the joy of the Lord yet we are not speaking from the place of understanding that God's mercy is what is keeping us.
The children of Israel spent a day in the confession of their sins. Notice that they heard the Word for a quarter of the day followed by confession for a quarter of the day. This was deep repentance for the sins of generations who had departed from the way of the Lord. It's in the place of confession that one really appreciates the mercy of God.
The children of Israel understood that God's mercy had sustained them throughout the generations. They realised that every time God rescued them it was because of His mercy. They saw His provision as a result of His mercy. Many times we are delivered and each time it's because of God's mercy. We are not deserving of God's goodness however His mercy qualifies us. Walk in life with the understanding that God is gracious and merciful in His approach. God not only shows mercy but also keeps mercy. God is not like us humans who are merciful for moments only. God keeps mercy. The only place mercy is stored is in God. The mercy you and I need in this life is kept by God and thus only God can show us mercy.
Memory Verse: Nehemiah 8:10b
Father may I experience Your mercy afresh in all that concerns me.
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