Day 122
Reading: 1 Chronicles 5:1 - 1 Chronicles 7:22
There are many constant themes in the Bible. One such theme is prayer. Prayer is not one-way traffic to God. It's a conversation with God. It's two-way traffic where speaking and listening are involved. Prayer is a prerequisite to seeing God move in your situation. Prayer is made to God who keeps covenant and is merciful to His servants who walk before God with all their heart.
Solomon on completion of the temple brings the Ark and all the artefacts and treasuries in the temple. The Ark was brought in the midst of singing, rejoicing and trumpets being blown. The glory of God filled the place. Solomon then blessed the people and proceeded to pray. His prayer was offered from the brazen altar where sacrifices were made. Solomon's prayer of dedication is a cry to God to answer any prayer or plea made from the House of God. As soon as he finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifice, and the glory of God filled the temple that the priests couldn't enter the House of the Lord. How I pray that we would see such days where the glory of God fills the earth that men can do nothing but worship God- I'm not saying spend time in church but live lives that worship God alone in all we do. Where men and women will turn to God because the glory of God fills the House of God here on earth. May that day hasten!
God responds to Solomon after a sacrificial offering and a feast lasting days rejoicing and celebrating the goodness of God. God appeared to Solomon in the night and answers his prayer with one of the most famous scriptures for prayer. Let's break down God's answer to Solomon.
If My people:
- Who are called by God's Name: God's people must recognise their identity is found in God alone. Prayer without understanding one's identity in God is bound to fail.
- Humble themselves: Humility is a requirement when approaching God. This speaks of repentance.
- Pray and seek God's face: Prayer and seeking God's face are separated here. Many believers pray but never seek God's face. To seek implies that we are searching or striving for God. Prayer is communicating while seeking implies going further than just praying for an answer. It shows a hunger for answers.
- Turn from wickedness: This speaks of a change in character and behaviour. Changing focus from ourselves to God is turning from wickedness.
Once these four things are done then God will hear and answer prayer. Check and see if you are fulfilling all four things if you have an unanswered prayer in your life. We as a nation need to turn back to God to avert His wrath. It's time to make this scripture our daily prayer for our families and nations.
Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 7:14
2 Chronicles 7:14 "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (italics mine)
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