Day 138
Reading: Nehemiah 11:1 - Nehemiah 13:31
Life is a school we begin at birth and graduate when we depart. To think that school is only that duration we get educated is the beginning of death. It is commonly said that anyone who stops learning has started dying. This is one of the reasons I read the Bible. There is a lot of knowledge that is hidden within it. Nehemiah is loaded with lessons to glean.
- Servant Leadership. Nehemiah served the people. When serving as the governor of Judah he gave up his perks for the people's benefit. Lord give us leaders who think about the people first.
- Abhorred corruption. Nehemiah found that Eliashib had given Tobiah a room in the House of God. Tobiah was an enemy of Nehemiah and was against the rebuilding of the wall. Nehemiah quickly corrected the wrong. He feared God and served God reverently. He appointed men who were faithful and could be trusted.
- Prayerful. The book of Nehemiah begins with prayer. His burden for that which is of God. When we open your book what will people see was your burden? Will they see you meeting God or having only indulged in your affairs?
- Men in great places of authority can serve God. We live in a world today where we have imbibed a lie that states that one cannot be in the place of great authority and serve God. This lie has kept the church outside of certain areas. As the saying goes, when the cat leaves it's the mice that rule, we the believers have allowed others to rule in our place because we left those places.
- Great Project Manager. We live in times where we see projects in nations lagging behind or becoming white elephants. He planned and executed a project to rebuild a city and repopulate it. I saw a project in a nation where parking was developed and then not used all because of poor foresight.
- God's mercy. Nehemiah understood that the reason he was alive was that of the mercy of God. He understood that God was the keeper of mercy and not men. He understood that God would reward him because of His mercy and not his righteousness.
- Purity. Nehemiah was passionate about the Law of God and understood the importance of living a pure life free of sin and evil associations.
Memory Verse: Nehemiah 13:14
Nehemiah 13:14
"Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and do not wipe out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for its services!"
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