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The Force of Favour

Day 140

Reading: Esther 5:1 - Esther 10:3

The story of Esther is one of favour. Do you know that the name of God is not mentioned in the book of Esther? Yet we see the hand of God mightily at work in this book. Esther was an orphan who became queen being chosen from the large crowd of virgins. She became queen and immediately it became clear that she was there for a divine purpose. How may we access favour? How may we sustain favour? What are the benefits of favour? Here are some thoughts on God's favour from the Book of Esther. 
  • Preparation: Esther was prepared before she met the king. Her preparation began with her listening to the instructions of Mordecai After she was handed over to the royal household to be prepared to meet the king she continued to listen to Mordecai and also heeded the advice of Hegai the king's custodian of women. Favour flows to the prepared. You cant expect to see favour in a meeting where you are unprepared. Opportunity is taken by those who are prepared. It's a poverty mentality that seems to think preparation is not needed to see favour!
  • Attitude: Esther pleased Hegai and obtained favour. It is well known that attitude determines your altitude. Esther went into the palace with an attitude of openness and fully trusting that her uncle's idea was for their best. Esther became Queen for the purpose of her people, not herself. 
  • Prayer and Fasting: When Harman's plot became known Esther asked for prayer and fasting to be done. No food or water for 3 days while they prayed for favour from God. The king was sat in a chamber where only if summoned one would see him. If one went in and the king didn't extend his favour towards them they were put to death. Esther knew she was favoured however she knew she was placing her life at the risk of death and knew that only God could open the door of favour for her.
  • Wisdom: Esther didn't blurt out her burden to the king immediately. She held a banquet for him and his advisor Harman. Harman was revelling in pride thinking that the banquet was a sign of his growing influence not knowing that it was a setup. When she did report the matter to the king Harman was gobsmacked and dumbfounded at how things turned around against him. The same people who advised him to build the gallows for Mordecai and the Jews told him to be sure that if Mordecai was Jewish then he would fall. Favour will cause your enemies to prophesy their own death.
  • Heart for God's people: The king was willing to give Esther half the kingdom, she was only interested in saving her people. One reason many don't enjoy this kind of favour is that their hearts are not fully for the people of God but themselves. God can see the motive you desire to prosper and for many its for selfish reasons yet God is willing to lift many to great dimensions of provision if they understood that wealth is to establish the Kingdom of God. Mordecai rose to prominence because of his service to people while Harman died because he was only interested in himself. Mordecai was rewarded for being vigilant to protect the Kingdom while Harman was also rewarded for being a hater of people. Harman hated God's people and died. When we plot the death of God's children the only reward we get is death. Please check your love walk for you have no right to kill God's children. Families are divided because many hate in-laws and then they wonder why God is not granting answers to prayer. Be a vessel of love to all of God's people and favour will flow. God lets it rain on the good and wicked who are you to decide who receives your love.
  • Fear of God: Favour accompanies those who fear God. Esther understood that God is able to raise a person to save her people if she didn't take action. Her resoluteness and resourcefulness show that her life was established on a foundation of a healthy fear of God. Mordecai was given Harman's place and the Bible tells us that his fame was great in the palace and he increased in prominence. Mordecai by relation and executing a carefully crafted plan that relied wholly on God became a ruler. His garments changed from sackcloth to royal apparel with a crown. Favour will move you from tears to the throne of greatness. 
Favour is what we need to move from the pit to the palace. Favour is necessary to sustain our stay in the palace. Many today pray for God's favour to see open doors however they fail to pray for that favour to sustain them in the palace of an open door. Favour will see your enemies fall into the traps they set for you. Pursue God's favour wholeheartedly passionately loving God's people and God will raise you as a deliverer for His people.

Memory Verse: Esther 5:2


Personalise this scripture

Esther 9:4
"For Charles was great in the king’s palace, and his fame spread throughout all the provinces; for this man, Charles became increasingly prominent." (paraphrased and italics mine)


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