Day 134
Reading: Ezra 8:1 - Ezra 10:44
God's eyes are searching to and from for a person or people that He may show Himself strong for 2 Chronicles 16:9a. What are the qualities that we need to become a people who will rebuild the House of God on earth today? In the midst of all that you are doing here on earth understand that the clock in heaven is saying its time to rebuild. This is God's hour of restoration. We are being restored to be the House of God in all glory and splendour! Reading the book of Ezra there are 3 things that I have picked that are critical for the days we are living in.
Ezra prepared before he set off for the journey. We read in Ezra 7:10 that he prepared for the task that lay ahead. We read that even before setting off for the journey to Jerusalem he prepared by gathering the required resources and authority to undertake the task at hand. Ezra didn't travel because of fantasy or fun. He travelled to Jerusalem knowing that he had a mandate to fulfil and arrived prepared. Opportunities are only taken by the prepared. The place you are is a place of preparation!
Ezra didn't set off from Babylon without prayer. He even added fasting to the prayer as he had understood that what he was undertaking required spiritual discipline exercised to secure the victory. Too many of us are casual in prayer and careless in fasting and thus our lives don't display answers to prayer. Ezra sought God to know the right way to go about his endeavours. He was not careless in going about life without the approval and backing of God. To live life without God's backing is the path of eternal damnation.
When Ezra heard that some of the priests had married the daughters of the nations they were told never to marry he tore his garments and wept before God. His tears were not crocodile tears but tears of remorse and a cry for mercy for the sins the priests had committed. He already understood why the people had been taken captive was because of not keeping the Law and now he was discovering that those meant to teach the law were the breakers. Ezra didn't come up with an easy fix. He spent the day fasting in repentance for the sins and decreed that the requirements of the Law would be kept. The priests were to do away with those pagan wives. What associations do you have that are not pleasing God? What associations do you have that are in disobedience to God?
Memory Verse: Ezra 8:23
Ezra 8:23
So we fasted and entreated our God for this, and He answered our prayer. (italics mine)
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