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Vashti's Letter

Day 139

Reading: Esther 1:1 - Esther 4:17

Dear Reader,

Life has many turns not just ups and downs. The bible is a roadmap containing lessons for our edification, encouragement and education. We are to take the Bible and learn from it. This letter is to help someone not lose a position in life. I am not writing to wives only but also to men and friends alike. I don't want anyone to suffer my fate because they weren't warned. 

My name is Vashti. I was the wife of Ahasuerus the king whose empire was from Ethiopia to India. He had 127 provinces which were empires which were conquered by his forefathers. I was his queen and everyone knew that he liked me. As I write this letter I am still in pain at my actions knowing that what I am going to tell you about is painful.

One day the king decided to show off the splendour and great expanse of his kingdom. He invited dignitaries from all over the kingdom to come to the capital and for 180 days he was showing them different things that made his kingdom great. After this, he hosted a feast for 7 days. I held a feast for the women.

On the 7th day of the feast, the king called for me. His desire was for the guests to see my beauty. I don't know if he was drunk or just happy. I didn't care about the why. All I know was that after 187 days I was tired of this man's demands. We entertained guests for a show of his kingdom for 180 days and then crowned everything with a feast for 7 days. Tiring is an understatement. I was fed up. Now he was calling me to catwalk before them. What had I been doing for the other days? They all had seen me and knew me, I didn't think it was necessary to do a catwalk. 

In hindsight, what I did was disrespectful, dishonouring and disgraceful. I dishonoured my husband the king. In a moment of madness, I simply refused to honour him. No matter the circumstances surrounding the situation or my opinion what I did was treason. I disgraced him in front of his guests. Where the guests were gathered to celebrate the wealth of the Kingdom I had a responsibility to ensure that the king was revered and honoured. My actions didn't show any respect for him. My actions also were not only disrespectful but also disobedient. He was the king, I was therefore also his subject. What I had done was to show women how not to run your home. I simply went rogue thinking that maybe I would survive what I didn't realise is that when you are disrespectful, dishonouring and disgraceful you are replaceable.

You can only imagine my pain as I saw ladies prepared to be presented to the king to replace me. I was detained in a palace where I had no audience with the king. This is worse than divorce. I became the example of what not to do to your spouse. People don't remember me for my beauty but for my failings. This taught me that I am replaceable. Never assume God cannot arrange your replacement in front of you. I heard a story of how God rejected a king called Saul and chose David a young man who ended up serving him. Your replacement is never far away.

When Esther was chosen I realised why she became queen. She was not just beautiful outside but her beauty emanated from within. She taught me that my actions showed that I didn't have any inner beauty. Inner beauty is the character that is enduring as outside beauty will fade. Esther had favour because of her inner beauty. I learnt one principle and I want to share it with you that is you are replaceable when you walk through life in a dishonouring, disgraceful and disrespectful manner. This is true not just in marital relationships but also in business and politics. 

Humility is the cure. Go and be humble and apologise and maybe you will save your throne and remain in the relationship that you have so much enjoyed. Pride results in selfish thinking that cripple one's greatness. I paid the price for my selfishness don't make my mistake and throw away what God has given you. 

Regretfully yours,

Vashti, for Queen.

Memory Verse: Esther 4:13-14


Personalise this scripture

"And Charles obtained favour in the sight of all who saw him." Esther 2:15b (paraphrased and italics mine)


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