Day 132
Reading: Ezra 1:1 - Ezra 4:24
We live in very prophetic times. Days that have been described by God Himself. Many though walk through life ignorant of the times we are living in. Others are not ignorant, they have decided to be oblivious to the obvious. God's word cannot fail. His Word has never failed and will never fail. The book of Ezra opens with the fulfilment of a prophetic word of the restoration of the people to the land of promise. As we read this book I pray that God will restore us back to the place of promise.
Jeremiah prophesied that the children of Judah would be carried away as captives for 70 years 2 Chronicles 36:21. At the end of 70 years, God moves a king, Cyrus, who didn't know about the prophecy to release the children of Israel. Here is a man whom we don't know if he worshipped God, however, at a particular point in time he decrees that the children of Israel return to their land and rebuild the temple of God. What would cause a man who didn't know God to suddenly make this kind of decree? Only the power of the prophetic word.
The prophetic word is where God reveals a future happening releasing information that will happen at a particular point in time in the future. The prophetic word is not some hit and miss happenstance. It is a declaration of the mind of God that reveals the happening of an event ahead of time. This is to encourage people to have a promise to hold on to of a coming event that is God ordained.
The Bible is full of such prophetic promises. Abraham left his home heading to a place where God had promised he would become a father. Moses was told to go lead the people out in accordance with a promise God gave Abraham that his descendants would be in Egypt for 400 years Genesis 18. Elisha prophesied of a 24-hour miracle and it happened. Josiah was announced to Jeroboam in 1 Kings 13 as a King who would destroy the altars of baal. When he became king he did exactly as God had said. Moses declared that if the people ever became captives in a foreign land God would deliver them. As I studied today's passages I began to perceive that God is lifting my faith to believe that every prophecy that seems forgotten or dead is not forgotten. God cannot forget His Word. We have a responsibility to remind God of His Word.
Rebuilding the temple of God was never going to be easy. Every child of God should walk with the understanding that the enemy will not rest and allow you to enjoy the blessings of restoration. There are those who are in the land where you are rebuilding who were planted there by the enemy to derail your plans. Stand strong knowing that God's word will come to pass. The prophetic word brings favour with it. Just like the time when the children of Israel were leaving Egypt they asked their neighbours for precious gifts and they obliged this time the king commanded they be given. Your restoration begins today and may favour locate you as the promise of God is manifested.
Memory Verse: Ezra 2:69
Ezra 1:6
And all those who were around them encouraged them with articles of silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with precious things, besides all that was willingly offered. (italics mine)
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