Day 147
Reading: Job 27:1 - Job 30:31
We live in a world filled with many evil works. In this same world, we also hear testimonies of the marvellous acts of God. Nothing is impossible with God even when the devil has made it look like its over. God has the final say. Reading through the Book of Job I am amazed at the righteousness of Job. Job loved God and didn't have a problem talking about the acts of God. Today we find that we have to get a grasp of the expectations of God while we live here on earth. Am I expected to just go with the flow or is God expecting me to live by His standards? What are His standards?
Firstly, if we are to see God's goodness in our lives His lamp is to shine over us. When the spotlight of life is from God then we experience His goodness like never before. However, when we walk in ways that are not godly we reap pain, sorrow and unrighteousness. Always have a desire that God's lamp shines upon you. Just like in a play we see a spotlight on one actor then let God's lamp be the spotlight over your life.
Secondly, live a righteous life. Live a life that reflects the righteousness of God. A life that reflects the right values prescribed by God and not man. Let your lifestyle reflect the good derived from following the principles of righteous living from God's commands. Job said that he put on the robe of righteousness and it clothed him. What robe have you put on and have allowed it to cover you? Don't allow unrighteousness to clothe you.
Thirdly, be one who speaks for the poor. Be a deliverer of those in trouble. Be one who speaks for the widows. Let your deeds of God's righteousness speak for you. Men and women will give you honour because they will know you speak for those who lack and are willing to help the underprivileged. Be a bridge of hope to those who are condemned by the challenges of life.
Wisdom is from God. Job said even destruction and death have a report about wisdom. Implying that wisdom is of such great importance. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This is reverential healthy fear of God. The fear of God is to live in awe of God. It's to have a lifestyle that magnifies God continually and seeks to abide in His purposes wholly.
Let the righteousness of God shine in your life. That is the answer to the many challenges we face. The enemy seeks to defile our garments of righteousness. Don't allow him to succeed. Instead, humble yourself before God and chose the way of God.
Memory Verse: Job 28:28
Job 29:14
"I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; my justice was like a robe and a turban." (Italics mine)
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