Day 135
Reading: Nehemiah 1:1 - Nehemiah 4:23
One of the things I am learning is that God is not interested in my being so heavenly minded that I am not of any use here on earth. God placed man in the Garden of Eden here on earth, not heaven. We are created to be creators here on earth. God made us for work. If God made the earth how much more should we also work if we are His children? We have a responsibility to work and at the same time be vessels that bring honour to God's Kingdom. Today we begin the book of Nehemiah. This gentleman was not a king but the cupbearer for the King and he did mighty things for God.
Nehemiah was burdened with the state of Jerusalem. We are told of how he enquired to know the state of the returnees from exile and was perplexed at the sad state they found Jerusalem. He was saddened to hear that the Jerusalem, the focal point of the children of Israel, was desolate. He took it to prayer that God would restore Jerusalem. We meet Nehemiah praying and seeking for God's intervention regarding Jerusalem. Nehemiah prayed not from the place of emotion but understanding of covenant. He sought God to make a way because he understood the covenant God had with His children. Don't pray emotionally. God doesn't answer prayer based on emotion. Prayer has to be in line with His Word.
Nehemiah wasn't praying for Jerusalem to be restored miraculously. He understood that it would take work. When the King noticed his countenance God favoured him and he set about the journey to Jerusalem. On arrival, he didn't speak to anyone about his mission. He took it upon himself to survey the land before he set to work. Nehemiah teaches a leadership principle that is critical to the success of any corporate leader. Don't shout and advertise your mission. Survey the land and then get the buy-in of leaders.
The people set about rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem in the face of adversity. Understand that no rebuilding work is without adversity. In life, you will always meet a Sanballat and his cohorts. These are the people who mock your vision and work. You know those people who mock you while you are working hard to build the walls of your business or career. Recently, I have come to discover that Sanballat is also no respecter of person. People like Sanballat only care for themselves. Sanballat the elder sibling of those who don't want you to build your own but would like you to remain under them. Sanballat is that person whose busy shouting discouraging disparaging remarks as you try to make your life better. Nehemiah didn't have a conversation with Sanballat and his cohorts. Neither should we; don't allow anyone to become a distraction that derails one from the goal.
As the threats increased the men rebuilding the wall armed themselves. Learn that if you are going to rebuild your life arm yourself with every instrument that God has given you to prevail over the enemy. Maintain focus on the goal by inculcating prayer. Start with prayer in all you do and understand that work and prayer are inseparable. Let prayer ooze through your work. That way God is engaged in all your work.
Memory Verse: Nehemiah 4:6
Nehemiah 4:4
Hear, O our God, for we are despised; turn their reproach on their own heads, and give them as plunder to a land of captivity! (italics mine)
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