Day 123
Reading: 2 Chronicles 8:1 - 2 Chronicles 11:23
What do we need to see the world change? What will make the world yearn for the gifts, talents, wisdom of the children of God? Those are some questions that constantly run through my mind. We are to be solution providers or problem solvers yet most believers today cannot say that is true of them.
Solomon was blessed with wisdom, a heart of understanding. God gave him wisdom that no other king was comparable to Him. Kings sought him out to hear his wisdom. No enigma was too hard for him. Solomon had the comprehension of matters that exceeded what was known. The Queen of Sheba arrived with some of the toughest questions and she was stunned by what she heard and saw of Solomon's kingdom. How many are amazed at what God has done for us? We should attract the world like Solomon did because we have answers to the challenges that the world is facing.
God gave Solomon wealth as well. Silver was not even classed as a precious metal during King Solomon's reign. Gold was common implying that during Solomon's reign wealth was not in short supply. Jerusalem must have been a very affluent place during his reign. All of this because a man decided to follow God and asked for wisdom to govern the people under him.
This has made me realise that wealth is not gold or money. It's wisdom. Wisdom will open doors that jewels can't open. Wisdom will give what money cannot give. A wise person will govern a nation and will soon become very wealthy. Wisdom will cause your light to shine far and wide. Wisdom will cause nations to discuss you and bring many to hear you. Wisdom is not easily passed on from one generation to another. Rehoboam was the son of Solomon and because of his unwise choice, the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two. Wisdom helps keep a united front.
Child of God let's desire wisdom. Let us pursue divine wisdom more than ever. Divine wisdom will help solve many of the challenges the world is facing. May God raise men and women full of wisdom that this world may truly say that there is a God and His name is the Only Wise God.
Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 8:16
Lord give me wisdom that I may govern the people under me. Give me wisdom that I may provide answers to the nations of this world and bring glory to You.
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