Day 143
Reading: Job 9:1 - Job 12:25
Hope is the expectation one has for good to happen. We have two types of hope. When someone says I hope to see you, what they are conveying to you is not only a desire but an expectation that is good. This is carnal hope. Another example of carnal hope is when we express a hope that one will pass the exams. This kind of hope doesn't carry a certainty of an occurrence. Biblical hope, on the other hand, carries not just an expectation of good it contains with it a certainty of happening. An example is a promise given to Abraham and Sarah of a son. There was a certainty of it's happening as it was backed by God.
When we are faced with storms in life we often lose hope. We lose that which gives us an internal bounce or a swagger to face the world head-on. Without hope, one has no reason to live. That's the reason why many commit suicide because they lose hope. When one is hope-less one cannot see the manifestations of the promises of God. Understand that the enemy is after your hope. Once a person has lost sight of hope internally they have no reason for change externally.
Job's friends didn't understand the warfare he was facing. They were busy telling him to repent of some hidden sin while Job was searching for answers as to why this dilemma had befallen him. Sometimes all we need to do is not ask why but worship God to sail through the storm. Job couldn't understand why God was allowing him to go through the issues he was facing. The enemy was after his hope and the longer the issue dragged the more frustrated he became. This is what we often go through when dealing with challenges in life. We get frustrated with the length of time it's taking to see the miracle we desire when in reality we should be guarding our hope to ensure that we are focused on God.
The enemy's desire is to get your eyes to the place where you move from biblical hope to carnal hope to no hope. When you move from the place of having the assurance that God is able to make good His promise to the place where your expressions are similar to you shrugging your shoulders because you don't know if God is able or not then know you have moved to carnal hope. Once a believer operates through life sailing in the waters of life in a boat named carnal hope they are forever living short of the expectations that God has for them. They live in a world of fantasy and not the now because their hope is not certain.
In the midst of the challenges you are passing through, please remind yourself the promises of God's greatness. Job even in questioning God reminded himself that God is great and does wondrous things without number. Keep your biblical hope alive by meditating on the promises of God and not the storm you are in. God's Word is fuel for the hope within us as it aligns us with God.
Memory Verse: Job 12:13
Job 10:12
"You have granted me life and favour, and Your care has preserved my spirit."
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