Day 136
Reading: Nehemiah 5:1 - Nehemiah 7:73
God is raising a new generation of leaders. 500 years ago the Reformation began when Martin Luther placed 95 theses or disputation on the power of indulgences. This brave act by Martin Luther began the schism of the Catholic Church and gave birth to the Protestant movement. Martin Luther was not the likeliest character to begin a new move of God and neither was Nehemiah.
God is raising Nehemiahs who will rebuild the walls of cities. Nehemiah was not called or anointed like David or Saul. We meet Nehemiah serving the king in a position that may well be described as a civil servant in today's terms. Nehemiah was even promoted to become the Governor of Judah while living in Jerusalem. I believe God is raising a Nehemiah-like generation of leaders who will change the nations. Their only interest is in the well-being of the people.
In this new move, there will be a synergy where the people come together and rebuild the walls. Working together with others in rebuilding the walls of God's Kingdom will enhance one another and also give speed to the work. As I read the passages of scriptures I was struck at how Nehemiah's priority was the people and not himself. He was a selfless leader. Nehemiah didn't enjoy the perks of leadership not because he couldn't. He chose not to burden the people further. How I pray that especially in developing nations leaders would adopt this principle from Nehemiah and maybe taxes would fall and corruption would be hit hard.
Nehemiah also teaches us how to deal with enemies of the Kingdom. He didn't have time to entertain the panderings of Sanballat and Tobiah. Even when he was advised to run and hide in the temple he discerned that it was the voice of the enemy and not God. Nehemiah had to deal with false prophets also. In this new move learn to hear the voice of God. Be led by God alone. Let the voice of God be real to you alone.
The new move will accomplish things with speed that when nations hear of it it will be said that only God could have done it. God is going to unleash speed to enable believers in this new move to accomplish things faster through the power of unity. The enemy will be disheartened on hearing and seeing the things God will do through this new move. God is releasing Nehemiahs that will go about His business of rebuilding the walls of the cities.
Memory Verse: Nehemiah 5:19
Nehemiah 6:16
And it happened, when all our enemies heard of it, and all the nations around us saw these things, that they were very disheartened in their own eyes; for they perceived that this work was done by our God. (italics mine)
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