Day 145
Reading: Job 18:1 - Job 21:34
Have you ever been in a situation where you cannot see the good coming? You know that challenge that is hell personified and leaves you broken, burst and down desiring to just die. Well that was the situation Job was facing. He was in pain physically, emotionally and mentally. His friends didn't bring comforting words to strengthen him. Instead, they brought accusations that made him sad and filled him with self-doubt. However, as I read the Book of Job I have seen that he constantly encouraged himself. Today I was led to write down a few points to hold onto while in trouble.
- Maintain your faith in God. Job declares that he knows his Redeemer lives. He understood that no man or woman could deliver him from the trouble. His faith was in God. That is why he said before that his trust is in God no matter what he encounters.
- Don't allow your joy to be stolen. Trouble comes to steal our joy. Joy is essential for the walk of the believer. Without joy, you cannot receive strength from God Nehemiah 8:10.
- Make declarations of faith. Don't speak the language of the trouble. Declare that you will still see God in the flesh. Job declared that even if his skin was removed he would still see God in the flesh.
- Maintain your hope. Declarations of faith can only be made by people who have an eternal hope of salvation. Biblical hope gives you a confidence that the promise of God is real and cannot fail.
- The wicked will not prevail. The wicked may seemingly prosper for a while but rest assured they will not prevail. Understand that God's judgement on the wicked is set and will take place. Don't envy the wicked person as his triumphing is short lived. Don't walk the path of the wicked for its end is destruction. Don't forget God will make the wicked who have swallowed riches to vomit it out.
Let the righteousness of God be seen in you during trouble. Don't look for any other way out except God's way. Understand that God desires the best for you and this trouble you are facing is a mine that will soon bring forth precious jewels of God's glory in your life.
Memory Verse: Job 21:15
Job 19:25
"For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth"(italics mine)
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